On Sun, Mar 19, 2006 at 03:35:42AM +1030, Berndt Josef Wulf wrote:
> G'day,
> I've built and installed gr-audio-portaudio on NetBSD-i386-current and ran 
> mono_tone_portaudio and multi_tone_portaudio without problems.
> I plan to create a pkgsrc package once portaudio implemented the pkg-config 
> code changes.
> I've noted that I was unable to specifiy the audio device using -O  and -d 
> command options returning a device not found message for /dev/audio 
> and /dev/sound. gr-audio-portaudio insists of using /dev/dsp which is a 
> softlink to /dev/audio on my system.

FYI, gr-audio-portaudio doesn't have anything to do with this.
It just asks the underlying portaudio implementation to enumerate host
API's and for each API, the devices and characteristics.   Portaudio
says that the device name is /dev/dsp.  If this isn't right, the fix
should go in portaudio, not gr-audio-portaudio.


> barossa: (209) ./mono_tone_portaudio.py -O /dev/audio -d /dev/audio           
> Number of devices found = 1
> --------------------------------------- device #0
> [ Default Input, Default Output ]
> Name                        = /dev/dsp
> Host API                    = OSS
> Max inputs = 2, Max outputs = 2
> Default low input latency   =    0.012
> Default low output latency  =    0.012
> Default high input latency  =    0.046
> Default high output latency =    0.046
> Testing device name: /dev/dsp
> audio_portaudio_sink[/dev/audio]: Failed to find specified device name: 
> Success
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./mono_tone_portaudio.py", line 56, in ?
>     my_graph().run()
>   File "./mono_tone_portaudio.py", line 49, in __init__
>     dst = audio_portaudio.sink (sample_rate, options.audio_output)
>   File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gnuradio/audio_portaudio.py", 
> line 234, in sink
>     return _audio_portaudio.sink(*args)
> RuntimeError: std::runtime_error
> cheerio Berndt

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