I modified the gr complex pll carrier tracking. I changed the lock
signal from a float to a bool. I added lock detection threshold
setting. I added squelch and squelch enable.
These changes were made in preparation of upgrades to the FM stereo
receiver. The current receiver works and the stereo separation is
really sweet on strong stations. But on stations that are not strong or
on stations that have no stereo signal, or while tuning, I am sure
you agree the output is horrific.
1) We will remove much of the phase noise hiss that comes from squaring
the "fading, distorted, etc." stereo subcarrier by doing a phase locked
loop for the stereo carrier.
2) This will have the added benefit of providing a lock threshold signal
"for free". You will be able to set the sensitivity of the stereo
3) With the pll recovered clean carrier, a filtered version of the RDS
signal will be basebanded and sent to a gr-null-sink. This will enable
others to feed the gr-rds block that was recently contributed to our
Those are the great reasons I made the mods but did I break anyone's
toys? Let me know.
Robert W. McGwier, Ph.D.
Center for Communications Research
805 Bunn Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540
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