On Mon, Feb 13, 2006 at 09:27:42PM -0800, Ges wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> I am trying to rewrite the flowgraph mechanism written in Python
> into C++ so that I can run the GNU Radio modules written in C++ as
> such in the Click software router. But, as I started to work on it,
> i found that converting the code written in Python into C++ is not
> such a trivial exercise. So right now, all I want is to have a very
> simple flowgraph , so that I can try it with Click and run a graph
> of gnuradio modules.

After further thought, the simplest way to glue them together is to
just use unix-domain datagram sockets or other IPC.  This takes about
5 lines of Python on the GNU Radio end.


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