On Wed, Jan 25, 2006 at 03:08:42AM -0500, Dawei Shen wrote:
> Hi, Gang
> Just got two naive questions, but I've never thought about them seriously.
> 1. A Python programming question
> In gmsk_test.py, send_pkt() and rx_callback() are two inner functions of the
> outer function main(). However, in send_pkt(), the object "fg" is used, in
> rx_callback(), the object "st" is used. But I remember that the local name
> space of the outer function is invisible to the inner function. Can anyone
> of you guys help me with this question?

You are mistaken.  Python uses lexical scoping.  The inner function
sees the enclosing namespace (The code wouldn't work otherwise.)

> 2. Is GNU Radio capable of transmitting and receiving at the same time?
> Particularly, they are operating using two different frequencies?

Yes. Yes.


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