On Sat, Dec 17, 2005 at 12:53:01AM +1030, Berndt Josef Wulf wrote:
> I don't understand what the fuss is all about. It takes 11m1s to build all 
> the 
> binaries and documentation of all GNU Radio 2.6 modules supported by the 
> NetBSD packages sytem from scratch on my laptop. The time it takes to 
> generate the gnuradio-core documentation is 1m21s which is merely 10% of the 
> total time taken to rebuild GNU Radio.
> What are these people running? Sinclair Pocket PCs?  :-)  
> NetBSD uses a later version of doxygen namely doxygen-1.4.5. It supports many 
> new features, has seen many bugfixes and hence creates a different set of doc 
> files. Perhaps its faster too... ;-)

Some version's of doxygen in wide circulation are *really* slow.
Also, do you have dot installed?  If so, additional time is spent generating
graphs.  On my opteron, it takes over 7 minutes to generate the docs
with doxygen 1.4.1 and dot 2.2.

> How about a --enable-build-docs configure switch to enable users to make that 
> decision at the configuration stage?

A patch to configure.ac would be welcome!


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