 I am still stuck with this problem.Can anyone please
tell me how to solve this?


 Sorry for the previous mail. Totally out of context.

I gave a square wave input direct from a signal
generator and the behaviour of usrp_oscope was the
same as I had explained before. I increased the
frequency to way above 100KHz. Is there any other
option to be given?


> Hi,
>  Is it possible to view a square wave using
> usrp_oscope.py? I have a circuit which produces a
> square wave that I want to view.


>  I know usrp_oscope is not a general purpose
> oscilloscope. We eventually want to manipulate the
> signal coming from the circuit for our purposes. So
> wanted to know if it is represented properly.
>  The square wave had spikes in it. It appeared more
> like a capacitor charging and discharging. And at
> frequencies, it resembles a sine wave. The signal
> coming from the circuit has a frequency of 41 KHz. 

If you are using the Basic Rx daughterboard as your
input, the RF
transformer on it acts as a high pass filter.  
Try using an input signal > 100kHz.  A megahetz would
be even better.

>  Has anyone tried working with a square wave before
> and faced this problem? Please let me know how to
> correct this. Thanks

The Basic USRP has a 50 Ohm input impedance.  
Will your circuit drive 50 ohms?


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