Hi folks,

I've recently checked in a bunch of changes, some of which were to
gr_block.h, which everything depends on.

As a result, if you are tracking CVS, you will need to update and
rebuild *everything*.

One of the changes altered how we deal with the history mechanism.
This is mostly transparent, but filters now get a zero initialized
delay line, and produce N outputs when N inputs are run through them.
The old code used to produce N-ntaps-1 outputs when N inputs were run
through them.

These changes allow transmitted data to be sent discontinuously to the
USRP.  The additional layer of transmit buffering that used to be in the
fusb_linux code has been removed. 

By changing the default number of samples/baud from 4 to 2, the GMSK
code is now running at 1Mbit/sec with the same error performance ;)
This is without any real tuning...  2Mbit/sec should definitely be doable.

Regarding 2.6:  I still need to clean up the boost autoconf code and
confirm that "make distcheck" works on our favorite platforms.  Other
than that, we're good to go.


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