So, this whole MPAA nonsense got me thinking about technology for converting old VHS tapes into
 modern formats, and doing some quality restoration in the process.

Imagine, for a moment, that you have several 1st or 2nd gen copies of a given VHS tape, and you're able to synchronize them. The "signal" here is well-correlated, and the analog noise is not correlated. It seems to me that you can use cross-correlation among them to produce a better-quality image. Now, the USRP has 4 analog inputs, which means you could cross-correlate 4 VHS images, and produce a better-quality digital version. You could also do interpolation between lines to produce a synthetic pseudo-higher-resolution copy.

I'm not volunteering or anything, and I don't even have a subtantial library of VHS material that I'd like made
 into DVDs or anything.  Just musing.

Marcus Leech                            Mail:   Dept 1A12, M/S: 04352P16
Security Standards Advisor        Phone: (ESN) 393-9145  +1 613 763 9145
Strategic Standards
Nortel Networks                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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