Alfred A. Aburto Jr. wrote:

Why Marcus?  I don't understand ...

Just in case that wasn't sarcasm.

On the "ashamed to be an engineer" aspect--look at the ARDG (Analog Reconversion Discussion Group) page at the website. Given the large number of technology submissions to this group, there must be plenty of engineers who actually think this can be made to work, for suitable definitions of "work".

On the "USRP will be illegal" aspect. With a 60Mhz high-dynamic-range A/D onboard, it clearly falls under the purview of what ARDG is targetting. In fact, I actually thought last night of a way USRP could be used to create a technology-neutral watermark eliminator, as a pre-processor for an "ARDG encumbered"
 video digitization system.

This stuff is nonsense, in so many dimensions, I cannot believe that rational people can propose this
 sort of stuff.

I'm a Canadian, which means that I don't have any congresscritters to bother.

Marcus Leech                            Mail:   Dept 1A12, M/S: 04352P16
Security Standards Advisor        Phone: (ESN) 393-9145  +1 613 763 9145
Strategic Standards
Nortel Networks                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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