Hi all,

    I know a researcher who is trying to put together a USB-based
sampling system for radio astronomy.  The system will be deployed at
schools around the country as part of an outreach project.  He's trying
to determine what sort of bandwidth he can expect from machines with
stock USB 2.0 controllers.  If you have a USRP or SSRP could you please
post the model of your computer and your USB controller model and
bandwidth?  I'll add the results to the wiki when this is finished,
too.  (instructions below) 

If you have a USRP:
Run the program: test_usrp_standard_rx
(The program is in the usrp tarball which you almost certainly already
have.  If not get it from the GnuRadio website or from CVS)
Run the command: lspci
Please then post this information along with basic info about your
computer, eg: Dell Inspiron 5100 P4 2.4GHz 512MB, etc

If you have an SSRP:
There is a section in the manual that describes how to measure USB
bandwidth with the SSRP.  Basically you load the bandwidth.ihx firmware
and run the test_bandwidth application.  Note that the LTC1746 board
should have its oscillator removed and NO power applied during the test.
Please also post the output of lspci and your computer information as
described in the USRP section.

Thanks for your help---this will be valuable information for the community.
-David Carr

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