> The 24th Annual ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference
> September 23-25, 2005
> Santa Ana, California
> http://www.tapr.org/dcc

[. . . .]

> Introductory Sessions
> ------------------------------
>  - Intro to Eagle CAD by Dan Welch, W6DFW

Eagle is nice, but unless you pay for the commercial version, it's
crippleware.  I wonder if anybody on this list would be in a position
to talk about (i.e. evangelize) using open-source gEDA for circuit


Since the conference is clearly aimed for hard-core RF geeks and
hobbiests, it seems to me that it's a perfect audience to hear about a
Linux-based, community-developed, professional-grade, freely-available
EDA pacakge.  I'd love to give the talk, but I'm at least 3000 miles
from Santa Ana.  :-( 


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