Hi Eric,

I would like to clarify this stub of code found in

def source_c(which, *args, **kwargs):
    return ((usrp0.source_c,
usrp1.source_c)[look_for_usrp(which)])(which, *args,

when some creates an object usrp.source_c(...)
 then this function gets called, which calls the
look_for_usrp(which) to check if the specifies usrp
rev 0 or 1, if 0 is returned then
usrp0.source_c(which,*args,**kwargs) is called.

If 1 is returned, then
usrp1.source_c(which,*args,**kwargs) is called.

Is this explanation correct? Also, should the usrp rev
always be passed? And what is the difference between
rev 1 and rev 0?
I think I have rev 0, so i would like to know.

Thank you

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