On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 04:26:55PM -0600, Ben Loftin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to get other people's perspective/experiences on using GPL 
> while working for a company.  Upon employment I've signed an IP 
> agreement that has the clause
>    "Agrees [employee] that the copyright to any copyrightable material 
> generated by the Employee during the course of employment shall be owned 
> by the Company in accordance with established legal precedents in 
> respect of "Works Made for Hire"."


A lot of this stuff depends on the juristiction you live in.  If you
signed something that says the company owns everything you think or
create while you work for them (including stuff done on your own time,
on your own equipment), you might want to ask yourself why you agreed
to those terms...  [Contrary to what the HR people would have you
believe, these things *are* negotiable.  Sometimes just never
getting around to signing that piece of paper works.  "I'll have to
run this by my lawyer, I'll get back to you on this."]

With regard to contributing code to GNU Radio, we require a copyright
assignment from the author to FSF, and if there appears to be any
possibility that an employer might have an interest, then we require
that the employer declaim or assign copyright to FSF.

That said, this isn't the right forum for this thread.  
(Not sure where to point you.)


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