On Tue, June 28, 2005 10:30 am, Ges said:
> Hi,
> I am a newbie trying to build gnuradio...i was
> following the instructions at
> http://www.kd7lmo.net/ground_gnuradio_baseline.html.
> Well, after installing all the required base software,
> i checked out the latest code from CVS...
> but make check on gnuradio-core fails...
> ..
> ..
> I went through but i couldnt find anything that would
> fix this.
> I am trying this on RedHat 9 with Python 2.3.2 and
> Swig 1.3.25. I have also tried Swig 1.3.24 and was
> initially using Python 2.2,since I thought the errors
> might have to do with Python and Swig. But I still get
> the same errors listed above.

Which version of gcc?

  g++  --version

There are known issues with gcc-3.3. On Debian many people have found
issues with gcc-3.3 but 3.4 seem to be fine. So may be you can try with


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