Yes, it's just looking for the profile python module which you probably
don't have installed.. I don't either, so I commented it out.
This change should probably be made in cvs, but you can do it yourself
if you are desperate.
In gr-wxgui/src/python/, just comment out the inclusion
of profile on line 30 like this:
#import profile
And re-install gr-wxgui
Profile tracks execution time and so forth of python routines. It's
really just used for testing out the code. If you look down in the code,
the place where it was being used is already commented out, I presume
they just forgot to do likewise to the import.
John Ackermann N8UR wrote:gr-wxgui/src/python$ l
Subject line says it all -- it appears the waterfall sink is calling a
profile module that's not there. Any suggestions how to resolve this?
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