
congrats on some very nice work!  However, I'm having problems getting to recogonize my powermate.  I get the error "Unable to
find PowerMate or Contour Shuttle" even though I've got it on

I verified that the powermate driver is running by using the "rotomatic"
utility in the powermate-1.0 package to verify that the system was
responding to powermate events.

Any suggestions?



On Fri, 3 Jun 2005, cswiger wrote:

> Gang - Just have to brag, I'm listening to a gnuradio live in
> my apartment that rivals my TenTec RX320, and *much* more
> flexible to boot ;)
> The project came together in the last few hours using
> 1) Antenna - a small swl magnetic loop. The loop antenna is
> great for noisy areas like mine with neighbors and light dimmers,
> lots of digital hash, etc, unlike a voltage probe antenna, the
> usual short whip with amp active antenna. The loop is tuned
> so you get wideband noise rejection right at the source, plus
> can be turned to null out interference.  Plans for one here:
> An important part is the coupling link as described which
> is matched into 50ohm coax and just makes things easier. After
> the loop and about 6 ft of rg-58 is a 15db homebrew amp:
> 2) A 80mtr filter (not absolutely necessary but it also improves
> the noise figure), then
> 3) A Minicircuits ZHL-32A for another 29db gain, then
> 4) the usrp.
> I'm using the previously announced to get lsb, usb,
> isb or am at the touch of a button and about +-300khz wide tuning
> about a center freq. The loop with a 20-365pf cap covers about
> 3.8-14.5Mhz.
> --Chuck
> kb4new
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