Im working on somethin similar to it -- Smart

Im struggling to get the bundle GNU-Radio and USRP up.
No success so far...


--- Kenneth Ng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure if this would be off topic or not, but
> has anyone ever
> tried using GNU-Radio for remote sensing
> applications?  I am curious
> about using it to process data from an array of
> receivers to process
> echo returns coming from a sound or radio impulse. 
> I would like to
> use radio to be able to look into walls, but would
> settle for using
> sound impluses at first.  I'm hoping that every time
> sound penetrates
> something of a different density that there will be
> a small
> backscatter echo similar to what happens in
> backscatter radar.  Use
> GNU-Radio to ferret out the various echos from the
> various
> transmitter/receiver pairs, and then figure out
> where an object whould
> need to be to create those echos.
> Am I making any sense?  Am I in the right group? 
> Anyone else do
> anything like this?
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