Yes, the recording of Bdale's talk will be up shortly. (I will post to
this list when I have a URL.) Don't know the quality yet, but the sound
seems okay.

Thanks for producing such a cool project, and thanks Bdale for giving
the talk :P

Tim Ansell

On Wed, 2005-04-27 at 11:05 -0600, Bdale Garbee wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan) writes:
> > There is an article (only for paid readers at the moment) on Prof Moglen's
> > speech at Here is a quote on SDR situation in Japan. 
> This came in response to a question from the audience from someone who had
> attended the talk I gave on SDR and gnuradio at the embedded Linux miniconf 
> prior to LCA.  Thanks to Eric for the slide set, which I updated with hardware
> photos and a few of my own observations (will get that out where others can
> see it sometime soon, too busy today).  My talk was very well received.  
> In fact, after Eben's keynote and this discussion in the Q&A, someone 
> suggested
> to the organizers that I should give the talk again as one of the three "best 
> of" repeats on the afternoon of the last day, and they agreed.  So I gave the
> talk again to a much larger (but less focussed/intimate) audience just before 
> the closing session, hopefully raising the awareness of many LCA attendees to
> what SDR is all about and what some of the issues are. 
> I believe audio and video of at least some of the LCA talks will show up on
> the web in a few weeks.
> Bdale
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