I am trying to relay.build() an Simple Onnx model with dynamic input shape. But I have this error.
> Check failed: (!IsDynamic(type)) is false: AnnotateUsedMemory does not > support dynamic shapes. I tried to disable "AnnotateUsedMemory" but it seems not successful. Could someone kindly provide guidance on how to successfully execute the `relay.build()` operation in this scenario? --- [Visit Topic](https://discuss.tvm.apache.org/t/annotateusedmemory-does-not-support-dynamic-shapes/15525/1) to respond. You are receiving this because you enabled mailing list mode. To unsubscribe from these emails, [click here](https://discuss.tvm.apache.org/email/unsubscribe/7f6842c79db44c1038553ba83edc7233a12e2bccff3f5b7d0ba6faed48bc0e9d).