Take this code for example:

    import numpy as np
    import tvm
    from tvm.autotvm.tuner import XGBTuner
    from tvm import relay, autotvm
    import pytest
    def test_dense_autotvm():
        target = tvm.target.cuda()
        batch, in_dim, out_dim = 16384, 768, 768
        data_shape = (batch, in_dim)
        weight_shape = (out_dim, in_dim)
        data = relay.var("data", shape=data_shape, dtype="float16")
        weight = relay.var("weight", shape=weight_shape, dtype="float16")
        dense_val = relay.nn.dense(data, weight, out_dtype="float32")
        func = relay.Function(relay.analysis.free_vars(dense_val), dense_val)
        mod = tvm.IRModule()
        mod['main'] = func
        log_filename = "dense_autotvm.log"
        tmp_logfile = "dense_autotvm.log" + ".tmp"
        measure_option = autotvm.measure_option(
            builder=autotvm.LocalBuilder(timeout=10, n_parallel=1),
                number=1, repeat=2, timeout=10, min_repeat_ms=100),
        tasks = autotvm.task.extract_from_program(
            func, target=target, params=None, ops=None)
        tsk = tasks[2]
        tuner_obj = XGBTuner(tsk, loss_type="rank")
        tuner_obj.tune(n_trial=10, early_stopping=0, 
                        autotvm.callback.progress_bar(10, ),

when run this program, `pytest -s test_my_dense.py`, the erorr may be seen like:

    [17:52:54] .../verify_gpu_code.cc:298: VerifyGPUCode err: Extent of 
threadIdx.y (1) does not match the bound 16
    [17:52:54] .../verify_gpu_code.cc:298: VerifyGPUCode err: Extent of 
threadIdx.x (16) does not match the bound 1
    [17:52:54] .../verify_gpu_code.cc:298: VerifyGPUCode err: Used shared 
memory per block (2146304) is greater than the allowed maximum (49152)

test device should be in T4.

print the llvm ir and you will see the log like below, to make the ir more 
concise, i comment the unroll and double buffer.

VerifyGPUCode err: Used shared memory per block (1609728) is greater than the 
allowed maximum (49152)
     Current/Best:    0.00/   0.00 GFLOPS | Progress: (9/10) | 2.76 s2 @main = 
primfn(placeholder_2: handle, placeholder_3: handle, T_matmul_NT_1: handle) -> 
      attr = {"from_legacy_te_schedule": True, "global_symbol": "main", 
"tir.noalias": True}
      buffers = {T_matmul_NT: Buffer(T_matmul_NT_2: Pointer(float32), float32, 
[12582912], []),
                 placeholder_1: Buffer(placeholder_4: Pointer(float16), 
float16, [589824], []),
                 placeholder: Buffer(placeholder_5: Pointer(float16), float16, 
[12582912], [])}
      buffer_map = {placeholder_2: placeholder, placeholder_3: placeholder_1, 
T_matmul_NT_1: T_matmul_NT} {
      attr [IterVar(blockIdx.y: int32, (nullptr), "ThreadIndex", "blockIdx.y")] 
"thread_extent" = 4;
      allocate(T_matmul_NT.local: Pointer(local float32), float32, [98304]), 
storage_scope = local;
      allocate(placeholder.shared: Pointer(shared float16), float16, 
[1048576]), storage_scope = shared;
      allocate(placeholder.d.shared: Pointer(shared float16), float16, 
[24576]), storage_scope = shared;
      allocate(placeholder.shared.local: Pointer(local float16), float16, 
[131072]), storage_scope = local;
      allocate(placeholder.d.shared.local: Pointer(local float16), float16, 
[192]), storage_scope = local;
      attr [IterVar(blockIdx.x: int32, (nullptr), "ThreadIndex", "blockIdx.x")] 
"thread_extent" = 2;
      attr [IterVar(threadIdx.y: int32, (nullptr), "ThreadIndex", 
"threadIdx.y")] "thread_extent" = 16;
      attr [IterVar(threadIdx.x: int32, (nullptr), "ThreadIndex", 
"threadIdx.x")] "thread_extent" = 1 {
        for (i.c.init: int32, 0, 8) {
          for (j.c.init: int32, 0, 3) {
            for (vthread.s: int32, 0, 1024) {
              let cse_var_1: int32 = (((vthread.s*24) + (i.c.init*3)) + 
                T_matmul_NT.local_1: Buffer(T_matmul_NT.local, float32, 
[14155776], [], scope="local", align=64)[cse_var_1] = 0f32
                T_matmul_NT.local_1[(cse_var_1 + 24576)] = 0f32
                T_matmul_NT.local_1[(cse_var_1 + 49152)] = 0f32
                T_matmul_NT.local_1[(cse_var_1 + 73728)] = 0f32
        for (k.outer: int32, 0, 6) {
          attr [IterVar(threadIdx.y_1: int32, (nullptr), "ThreadIndex", 
"threadIdx.y")] "thread_extent" = 1;
          for (ax0.inner: int32, 0, 8192) {
            for (ax1.outer: int32, 0, 32) {
              attr [IterVar(threadIdx.x_1: int32, (nullptr), "ThreadIndex", 
"threadIdx.x")] "thread_extent" = 1;
              for (ax1.inner.inner: int32, 0, 4) {
                let cse_var_2: int32 = (ax1.outer*4)
                placeholder.shared_1: Buffer(placeholder.shared, float16, 
[1048576], [], scope="shared")[(((ax0.inner*128) + cse_var_2) + 
ax1.inner.inner)] = placeholder[(((((blockIdx.x*6291456) + (ax0.inner*768)) + 
(k.outer*128)) + cse_var_2) + ax1.inner.inner)]
          attr [IterVar(threadIdx.y_2: int32, (nullptr), "ThreadIndex", 
"threadIdx.y")] "thread_extent" = 16;
          for (ax0.inner_1: int32, 0, 12) {
            for (ax1.outer_1: int32, 0, 2) {
              attr [IterVar(threadIdx.x_2: int32, (nullptr), "ThreadIndex", 
"threadIdx.x")] "thread_extent" = 16;
              for (ax1.inner.inner_1: int32, 0, 4) {
                let cse_var_3: int32 = (ax1.outer_1*64)
                placeholder.d.shared_1: Buffer(placeholder.d.shared, float16, 
[24576], [], scope="shared")[(((((threadIdx.y_2*1536) + (ax0.inner_1*128)) + 
cse_var_3) + (threadIdx.x_2*4)) + ax1.inner.inner_1)] = 
placeholder_1[(((((((blockIdx.y*147456) + (threadIdx.y_2*9216)) + 
(ax0.inner_1*768)) + (k.outer*128)) + cse_var_3) + (threadIdx.x_2*4)) + 
          for (k.inner.outer: int32, 0, 8) {
            for (ax0: int32, 0, 8) {
              for (ax1: int32, 0, 16) {
                for (vthread.s_1: int32, 0, 1024) {
                  placeholder.shared.local_1: Buffer(placeholder.shared.local, 
float16, [16384], [], scope="local")[(((vthread.s_1*128) + (ax0*16)) + ax1)] = 
placeholder.shared_1[((((vthread.s_1*1024) + (ax0*128)) + (k.inner.outer*16)) + 
            for (ax0_1: int32, 0, 3) {
              for (ax1_1: int32, 0, 16) {
                let cse_var_4: int32 = ((ax0_1*16) + ax1_1)
Buffer(placeholder.d.shared.local, float16, [2304], [], scope="local", 
align=64)[cse_var_4] = placeholder.d.shared_1[((((threadIdx.y*384) + 
(ax0_1*128)) + (k.inner.outer*16)) + ax1_1)]
                  placeholder.d.shared.local_1[(cse_var_4 + 48)] = 
placeholder.d.shared_1[(((((threadIdx.y*384) + (ax0_1*128)) + 
(k.inner.outer*16)) + ax1_1) + 6144)]
                  placeholder.d.shared.local_1[(cse_var_4 + 96)] = 
placeholder.d.shared_1[(((((threadIdx.y*384) + (ax0_1*128)) + 
(k.inner.outer*16)) + ax1_1) + 12288)]
                  placeholder.d.shared.local_1[(cse_var_4 + 144)] = 
placeholder.d.shared_1[(((((threadIdx.y*384) + (ax0_1*128)) + 
(k.inner.outer*16)) + ax1_1) + 18432)]
            for (k.inner.inner: int32, 0, 16) {
              for (i.c: int32, 0, 8) {
                for (j.c: int32, 0, 3) {
                  for (vthread.s_2: int32, 0, 1024) {
                    let cse_var_10: int32 = ((j.c*16) + k.inner.inner)
                    let cse_var_9: int32 = (((vthread.s_2*24) + (i.c*3)) + j.c)
                    let cse_var_8: int32 = (((vthread.s_2*128) + (i.c*16)) + 
                    let cse_var_7: int32 = (cse_var_9 + 24576)
                    let cse_var_6: int32 = (cse_var_9 + 49152)
                    let cse_var_5: int32 = (cse_var_9 + 73728)
                      T_matmul_NT.local_1[cse_var_9] = 
(T_matmul_NT.local_1[cse_var_9] + (cast(float32, 
                      T_matmul_NT.local_1[cse_var_7] = 
(T_matmul_NT.local_1[cse_var_7] + (cast(float32, 
placeholder.d.shared.local_1[(cse_var_10 + 48)])))
                      T_matmul_NT.local_1[cse_var_6] = 
(T_matmul_NT.local_1[cse_var_6] + (cast(float32, 
placeholder.d.shared.local_1[(cse_var_10 + 96)])))
                      T_matmul_NT.local_1[cse_var_5] = 
(T_matmul_NT.local_1[cse_var_5] + (cast(float32, 
placeholder.d.shared.local_1[(cse_var_10 + 144)])))
        for (j.inner.inner.inner: int32, 0, 3) {
          for (i.inner.inner.inner: int32, 0, 8) {
            for (vthread.s_3: int32, 0, 1024) {
              let cse_var_11: int32 = (((vthread.s_3*24) + 
(i.inner.inner.inner*3)) + j.inner.inner.inner)
                T_matmul_NT[((((((blockIdx.x*6291456) + (vthread.s_3*6144)) + 
(i.inner.inner.inner*768)) + (blockIdx.y*192)) + (threadIdx.y*3)) + 
j.inner.inner.inner)] = T_matmul_NT.local_1[cse_var_11]
                T_matmul_NT[(((((((blockIdx.x*6291456) + (vthread.s_3*6144)) + 
(i.inner.inner.inner*768)) + (blockIdx.y*192)) + (threadIdx.y*3)) + 
j.inner.inner.inner) + 48)] = T_matmul_NT.local_1[(cse_var_11 + 24576)]
                T_matmul_NT[(((((((blockIdx.x*6291456) + (vthread.s_3*6144)) + 
(i.inner.inner.inner*768)) + (blockIdx.y*192)) + (threadIdx.y*3)) + 
j.inner.inner.inner) + 96)] = T_matmul_NT.local_1[(cse_var_11 + 49152)]
                T_matmul_NT[(((((((blockIdx.x*6291456) + (vthread.s_3*6144)) + 
(i.inner.inner.inner*768)) + (blockIdx.y*192)) + (threadIdx.y*3)) + 
j.inner.inner.inner) + 144)] = T_matmul_NT.local_1[(cse_var_11 + 73728)]

so move data and weight from global memory to shared memory,  the strange tx, 
ty (1, 1) and (16, 16)
might be some strange

@masahi @tqchen

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