Hi all!

I'm currently working on a PyDia Code Generator für Finite State
Machines (target Code is C), based on Dia UML diagrams. I've looked into
existing solutions, but could not find anything that suited all of our
needs, so I decided to go for a new one.
As we need some compatibility with our old system (that needs to be
replaced sometime), we need to use "nested" diagrams. As there's no
native support for that in Dia (if I understand correctly), I decided
to use UML-Objects in the diagrams to provide a name and a filename (or
path) for a diagram that should be embedded in the StateMachine.

To do that, I would need to parse a (previously not opened) file from
the PyDia Interpreter, so that I could pass the 'data' object to a
recursive call to begin_render() in my Generator. Unfortunately neither
the code (implementation and plugins) nor the documentation I found
could answer my question. Is there a way to do that?

I appreciate any comment that helps with the solution I asked for or
other useful hints on using PyDia or Dia in general for this purpose. I
really see great potential using Dia for FSM Code Generators (especially
in the field of embedded electronics or machine controllers, that are
often still written in plain C) as there are only few alternatives that
all have their own drawbacks.


Stefan Günther <sguent...@husware.de>
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