On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 12:25 PM Zander Brown <zbr...@gnome.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 2018-12-05 at 11:34 -0500, Alejandro Imass wrote: > > > > [...] > You seem to know exactly what needs to be done to get through the GTK 2 > bump, and it awesome that at least someone does and understands the urgency > to AT LEAST bump it up to GTK 3. We use DIA on daily basis and don't want > to see it die. So we could cough up some cash and finance some of this > effort. > > > I'll investigate what the policy for that is (don't want to get anyone is > trouble esp myself) > > What I was thinking is that we could channel some funds to a University and have them work on it. My native country (Venezuela) is in pretty bad shape but top-notch Universities are still operating despite the crisis. This would be a win-win IMHO. > In your opinion is is too crazy to suggest separating the UI/UX from the > logic and salvaging the C code, templates and all the other non-UI stuff > as a "backend". > > > It seems reasonable to have a more formal split between Dia & libdia but > I'm not sure it's worth reimplementing the UI in JS. > > For sure not right now, and it's quite obvious to me that a straight GTK 3 upgrade is the logical next step for DIA. But if we work towards the goal of at least foreseeing that additional UIs to be able to bolt-on, then I think it would be great for DIA. Especially a web-based version that competes with draw.io. > To implement the UI in anything other than C/Vala would make the build > quite complex and we would lose the advantage of compile time checks > however we should be able to somewhat simplify the UI implementation by > taking advantage of GtkBuilder (once we make it to Gtk3) to define our UI > in XML but until the Cairo port is done we are largely talking > hypotheticals here > > Was there any particular reason you wanted to see Dia's interface reworked > in JS/JSX? > > No reason at all. Just thought that since the effort is relatively big to modernize DIA to GTK 3 it would be worthwhile to at least discuss it. Moreover, I think a future Web-based interface to DIA (even if not the primary/native one) will be important for the long-term survival of DIA from a product standpoint.
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