Hi Timothy

Depending on the severity on the bug, it might be downgraded. The JIRA
issues tracker is not a fast track. We get a lot of bugs/requests coming in
all the time, and we need to prioritise them, and this is especially true
for components that only have 1-2 maintainers.

If there is no response for a substantial amount of time, please feel free
to message us on this list and give the JIRA number, maybe we can either
fast track it, or give a more detailed reasons why we can not easily fix
your bug.

Morten Olav Hansen
Senior Engineer, DHIS 2
University of Oslo

On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 8:21 PM, Timothy Kiyemba <tkiye...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Morten,
> I hope JIRA is active again now. I have reported a number of issues but
> got no response / feedback yet.
> Timothy
> On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 3:52 PM, Morten Olav Hansen <mor...@dhis2.org>
> wrote:
>> Yes, please report all bugs to jira.dhis2.org (that should be the number
>> one place to report them anyways, unless you are unsure)
>> --
>> Morten Olav Hansen
>> Senior Engineer, DHIS 2
>> University of Oslo
>> http://www.dhis2.org
>> On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 6:32 PM, Knut Staring <knu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Ok there might be an oversight or a bug. Lars is on holiday this week,
>>> but you could report it on Jira.
>>> Knut
>>> On Jun 6, 2017 11:31 AM, "Absolom MURAMIRA" <absolo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> Thank you Knut.
>>>> The reason why i asked this was because when i tried to test the new
>>>> version, i realized that the relationships in tracker had
>>>> disappeared/broken. I am going to reset it up on my testing server just to
>>>> make sure that it was not from the database restoration process and get
>>>> back to you.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Absolom
>>>> On Tuesday, June 6, 2017 11:03 AM, Knut Staring <knu...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello Absolom,
>>>> Some upgrades do not need any SQL script.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Knut
>>>> On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 8:18 AM, Absolom MURAMIRA <absolo...@yahoo.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Lars,
>>>> Thank you for the hard work and effort you have invested in this
>>>> project. One quick question! Is there an upgrade script from v2.26 to
>>>> v2.27? This is not indicated in the upgrade notes.
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Absolom
>>>> On Friday, June 2, 2017 1:45 PM, Lars Helge Øverland <l...@dhis2.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> DHIS version 2.27 is out with many new features, apps and improvements.
>>>> Log in with admin/district on the demo system.
>>>> ---
>>>> Period and organisation unit drill-down: The Pivot Table app now
>>>> supports drill-down (and up) for periods and organisation unit. This means
>>>> that you can, for example, drill down from yearly periods to quarters,
>>>> months and weeks inside the pivot table. You can also drill down from the
>>>> global organisation unit to countries, provinces and facilities.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot 1 | 2 | Docs
>>>> Organisation unit levels as columns: When downloading a pivot table
>>>> with organisation units as rows and the “Show hierarchy” option enabled in
>>>> the options dialog, each organisation unit level is rendered as a separate
>>>> column. This is useful for example when you create Excel pivot tables on a
>>>> local computer.
>>>> Demo 1 | 2 | Screenshot | Docs
>>>> Hide empty columns: The Pivot Table app now lets you hide empty
>>>> columns in the table. You enable this in the Table options dialog.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs
>>>> Legend by data element: In the Pivot Table app, you can now color the
>>>> table cells according to each data element or indicator individually. You
>>>> enable this in the Table options dialog by setting legend to “By data 
>>>> item”.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs
>>>> Row and column % in pivots tables: In the Pivot Table app you can now
>>>> display values as percentages of row total or percentage of column total
>>>> (instead of the aggregated value). This is useful in order to see the
>>>> contribution of data elements, categories and organisation units to the
>>>> total value. You enable this in Table options dialog.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs
>>>> 100% stacked column charts: In the Data Visualizer app you can now
>>>> display 100% stacked column charts. You enable this in the Chart options
>>>> dialog.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs
>>>> Cumulative values in line charts: In the Data Visualizer app you can
>>>> now create line charts with cumulative values. You enable this in the Chart
>>>> options dialog.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs
>>>> Chart title handling: In the Data Visualizer app you can now control
>>>> the chart title and subtitle, in terms of hiding or displaying the as well
>>>> as specifying custom titles. You enable this in the Chart options dialog.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs
>>>> Hide missing values handling: The Data Visualizer app now offers
>>>> better control over hiding of missing values. You can choose between
>>>> “Before first value”, “After last value” and “Before first and after last
>>>> value”. This is useful for example when creating column and bar charts. You
>>>> enable this in the Chart options dialog.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs
>>>> EPI weeks: The system now supports various weekly period types, with
>>>> Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday as the first day of the
>>>> week. Data can be collected through data sets configured to use the desired
>>>> weekly period type. The analytics engine will attribute weekly data to the
>>>> month which contains four days or more of the week.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs
>>>> Group set flexibility: Data element groups and organisation unit
>>>> groups can now be be part of any number of group sets. This allows for
>>>> increased flexibility in analysis. This change also allows for persisting
>>>> the “All items” checkbox as part of favorites in analytics apps.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs org unit group set | Docs data element group
>>>> set
>>>> Attribute option combos in indicators: You can now specify data
>>>> elements together with attribute option combinations in indicator
>>>> expressions. This is useful e.g. to compare targets vs results, or the
>>>> performance of various programs in indicator calculations. UI support is
>>>> not yet there, attribute option combos can be entered directly in the
>>>> expression, see the docs.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs
>>>> Reporting rates in indicators: Indicator now allows for specifying
>>>> reporting rates and actual reports in expressions. This is useful e.g. to
>>>> adjust for data completeness in performance indicators. UI support is not
>>>> yet there, reporting rates can be entered directly in the expression, see
>>>> the docs.
>>>> Demo 1 | 2 | Screenshot | Docs
>>>> Favorites and interpretations in event analytics apps: The new,
>>>> file-based favorite solution has been introduced in the Event Reports and
>>>> Event Visualizer apps, similar to the solution in for example the Pivot
>>>> Table app. This means that you can now also create and share
>>>> interpretations for event reports and event charts.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs Event Visualizer app | Docs Event Reports app
>>>> Program category dimensions in event analytics apps: The Event Reports
>>>> and Event Visualizer apps let you use program categories and category
>>>> option group sets as dimensions for tables and charts. This applies for
>>>> programs with category combinations.
>>>> Demo 1 | 2 | Screenshot | Docs Event Visualizer app | Docs Event
>>>> Reports app
>>>> Multiple legend sets per data element: In Event reports and Event
>>>> Visualizer apps you can aggregate events by multiple legend sets per data
>>>> element. This becomes useful e.g. with age groups. You can collect age in
>>>> years as part of an event and then aggregate into various age groups, i.e.
>>>> by 10 year intervals or 15 year intervals. This way, data can be collected
>>>> once and later used to satisfy multiple reporting needs.
>>>> Demo 1 | 2 | Screenshot 1 | 2 | Docs
>>>> Program and event status: You can now filter data by program status
>>>> and event status in the Event Reports and Event Visualizer apps. You can
>>>> set these filters from the options dialog.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs Event Visualizer app | Docs Event Reports app
>>>> Program stage count in indicators: Program indicators support a
>>>> variable for counting the number of events for a program stage.
>>>> Screenshot | Docs
>>>> Most viewed favorites: Event reports and event visualizer provides
>>>> links to your most popular favorites on the start page.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot
>>>> ---
>>>> Program rule improvements: A completely new user interface for
>>>> managing program rules has been introduced in the Maintenance app. A range
>>>> of new program rule actions is now supported in the new user interface:
>>>>    - Assign value. Enables client side calculations.
>>>>    - Display text. Enables the web client to display text in the
>>>>    indicator or feedback widgets.
>>>>    - Display key/value pair. Enables the web client to display a
>>>>    information box with a title and value in either the indicator or 
>>>> feedback
>>>>    widgets.
>>>>    - Make field mandatory. Enables program rules to turn a field
>>>>    mandatory based on rule expression.
>>>> Other improvements include the ability to delete and change program
>>>> rule variables(source fields), and the ability to include one data element
>>>> in several program rule variables. For all warning and error messages it
>>>> will now be possible to include a dynamic/calculated part at the end of the
>>>> static error message.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot setup | Rule expression | Rule action | Tracker
>>>> capture | Docs
>>>> Event programs in Maintenance app: The Maintenance app now supports
>>>> management of event programs. This includes new UI for creating event
>>>> programs, organisation unit assignment, sections, custom forms and
>>>> notifications. The create program screen is designed as wizard where the
>>>> program can be configured across several steps. Tracker type programs is
>>>> still located in the old Programs/Attributes app.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs
>>>> Program indicators in Maintenance app: Program indicators can now be
>>>> managed in the Maintenance app. The new UI lets you create indicators
>>>> across three steps and provides a simpler way of creating expressions and
>>>> filters.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs
>>>> Person search order: In the Tracker Capture app, you can now sort the
>>>> list of tracked entity instances by each column in the search.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot
>>>> ---
>>>> Sharing dialog: A new dialog for sharing of metadata is now available
>>>> in the Maintenance app, offering a better and simpler user experience.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs
>>>> Notification modes: Validation rule notifications can now be sent as
>>>> individual messages or as message summaries. This is useful e.g. when you
>>>> want to send individual messages for high-priority disease outbreaks, and
>>>> summaries for low-priority routine data validation errors.
>>>> Demo | Docs
>>>> Sliding windows in validation: Validation rules can now calculate data
>>>> based on sliding time windows. This implies that data is evaluated not
>>>> just for fixed periods, such as weeks, but also for sliding intervals of
>>>> the same duration, e.g. Wednesday to Thursday.
>>>> Demo | Docs
>>>> Improved password security: The system now provides greater security
>>>> and control over passwords. This can be enabled under System Settings >
>>>> Access.
>>>> - Email notifications can be sent out to users 14 days before their
>>>> password expires and must be changed.
>>>> - The minimum number of characters in passwords is configurable and can
>>>> be between 8 and 14.
>>>> - Password must contain a mix of at least three characters from the
>>>> following categories: uppercase, lowercase, numeric and special
>>>> (non-alphanumeric).
>>>> - When changing passwords, users cannot use any of the 24 previously
>>>> used passwords.
>>>> Screenshot | Docs Users app | Docs System Settings app
>>>> Cloud storage for resources: Resource (files and links, found in the
>>>> Reports app > Resources) can now be configured and be backed by a cloud
>>>> storage provider such as AWS S3. This allows for infinite storage of files.
>>>> This requires that you’ve configures a cloud store in dhis.conf.
>>>> Note: if you’ve configured cloud storage in dhis.conf, all files you
>>>> upload or the files system generates will use cloud storage, not only
>>>> resources.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs | Cloud file store setup docs
>>>> Improved metadata export: Metadata export with dependencies now
>>>> supports data element groups and dashboards.
>>>> Demo | Docs
>>>> Data store manager: A new app is available which lets you manage the
>>>> content of the web API data stores. This is helpful when managing apps and
>>>> external scripts.
>>>> Demo | Screenshot | Docs
>>>> ---
>>>> Memcached support: You can now use memcached as an application cache
>>>> provider. This allows for greater scalability as memcached can be hosted on
>>>> a separate server off-heap.
>>>> Docs
>>>> ---
>>>> Tracker soft delete: Soft deletion has been introduced for the tracked
>>>> entity instance and enrollment entities. This gives clients with local
>>>> databases the opportunity to react on deleted entities.
>>>> Docs
>>>> Deleted metadata objects log: Deletion of metadata is now logged and
>>>> can be queried from a new endpoint /api/deletedObjects. This allows
>>>> clients with local databases to react on deleted metadata objects.
>>>> Docs
>>>> Email sending: A new endpoint for sending email is introduced at
>>>> /api/email.
>>>> Docs
>>>> Min-max data element values: A new endpoint for setting and retrieving
>>>> min-max data element values is introduced at /api/minMaxDataElements.
>>>> Docs
>>>> Lock exceptions: A new endpoint which lets you create, retrieve and
>>>> remove data set lock exceptions is available at /api/lockExceptions.
>>>> Docs
>>>> Event export identifier schemes: The event export resource for now
>>>> supported identifier schemes, i.e. allows for use of code as well as
>>>> identifier.
>>>> Docs
>>>> ---
>>>> Release Information
>>>> Link
>>>> Download release and sample database
>>>> https://www.dhis2.org/ downloads
>>>> Documentation and Javadocs
>>>> https://www.dhis2.org/ documentation
>>>> Upgrade notes
>>>> https://www.dhis2.org/227- upgrade
>>>> Details about each feature on JIRA
>>>> https://jira.dhis2.org/issues/ ?filter=10257
>>>> Overview of fixed issues
>>>> https://jira.dhis2.org/issues/ ?filter=10418
>>>> Source code on Github
>>>> https://github.com/dhis2
>>>> Demo instance
>>>> https://play.dhis2.org/demo
>>>> Instructions for signing up for DHIS 2 mailing lists
>>>> https://www.dhis2.org/contact
>>>> Enjoy the new release.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> The DHIS2 development team
>>>> --
>>>> Lars Helge Øverland
>>>> Lead developer, DHIS 2
>>>> University of Oslo
>>>> Skype: larshelgeoverland
>>>> l...@dhis2.org
>>>> http://www.dhis2.org
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>>>> --
>>>> Knut Staring
>>>> Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
>>>> Norway: +4791880522 <+47%20918%2080%20522>
>>>> Skype: knutstar
>>>> http://dhis2.org
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