
Yes, i did a refresh and a hard refresh and even more i deleted all the
browser cache :D
Yes, the stage appear if i remove the hide program stage rule.


On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 11:18 PM Calle Hedberg <>

> Hi
> agree - if the expression is false, no action is taken.
> maybe it's a refresh thing - have you tried to refresh the page?
> And does the stage appear if you remove the hide program stage action from
> the Prog Rule?
> Regards
> calle
> On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 at 22:08, Amjad Ata-Allah <>
> wrote:
>> Calle
>> Yes, but the programe stage should appear when the expression is false,
>> which is not happening. Even the warning message disappear when the
>> expression is false.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 8, 2018, at 11:03 PM, Calle Hedberg <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi
>> If the warning message appear when the dagnosis value is something else
>> than meninges, then it means the expression correctly evaluated to TRUE.
>>  So the expression is correct.
>> And the other action if expression is true, is to hide the meninges
>> stage, yes? and that stage correctly does not appear?
>> Seems like you have what you want?
>> Regards
>> Calle
>> On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 at 21:26, Amjad Ata Allah <>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks Calle
>>> I replaced the OR with AND.
>>> I added another action to the rule "Show warning message" for testing,
>>> and now the warning message appears but the program stage don't.
>>> So the issue is with the program stage.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Regards,
>>> On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 2:41 PM Calle Hedberg <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Amjad,
>>>> That error is a data-related error (I had something similar last week,
>>>> and tracked it down to one single orgunit that had an erroneous attribute
>>>> value - but in your case the data error might be somewhere else, no idea
>>>> where). If you get that kind of error, it often results in other program
>>>> rules not executing.
>>>> In any case, you cannot combine OR and NOT the way you do - then the
>>>> expression is always true.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Calle
>>>> On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 at 13:37, Amjad Ata Allah <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Calle,
>>>>> The case is that i have like 20 diagnosis, i need to hide the stage if
>>>>> the diagnose is not one of those 3 diagnosis and show the stage if its one
>>>>> of them.
>>>>> I also tried the &&, but didn't work also.
>>>>> After clearing the cache, i have this error:
>>>>> TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
>>>>>     at dataentry-controller.js:405
>>>>>     at Object.r [as forEach] (angular.js:331)
>>>>>     at processRuleEffect (dataentry-controller.js:298)
>>>>>     at dataentry-controller.js:201
>>>>>     at n.$broadcast (angular.js:14785)
>>>>>     at
>>>>>     at angular.js:13248
>>>>>     at n.$eval (angular.js:14466)
>>>>>     at n.$digest (angular.js:14282)
>>>>>     at n.$apply (angular.js:14571)
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 1:27 PM Calle Hedberg <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> You only use the code if that has been specified in the option set
>>>>>> (tick-box).
>>>>>> Secondly, you are using OR and NOT in your expression:
>>>>>> #{aDiagnose} != 'Meningitis - Other Bacterial' || #{aDiagnose} !=
>>>>>> 'Meningitis - Hemophillus Influenza' || #{aDiagnose} != 'Meningitis -
>>>>>> Meningococcal Meningitis'
>>>>>> Basically that means the expression will always return true, at least
>>>>>> if aDiagnose is a single value diagnosis field. Even if you select let us
>>>>>> say "Meningitis - Mengingococcal Meningitis" as the aDiagnosis value, the
>>>>>> three other components in the expression will be true so the total is 
>>>>>> true
>>>>>> due to the OR....
>>>>>> Try using AND
>>>>>> #{aDiagnose} != 'Meningitis - Other Bacterial' && #{aDiagnose} !=
>>>>>> 'Meningitis - Hemophillus Influenza' && #{aDiagnose} != 'Meningitis -
>>>>>> Meningococcal Meningitis'
>>>>>> Meaning : when aDiagnosis is NOT diag1 AND not diag2 AND NOT diag3
>>>>>> then hide stage X
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Calle
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Calle
>>>>>> On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 at 09:11, Amjad Ata-Allah <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Zubair,
>>>>>>> Yes it is, and i tried both (name and code).
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> On Oct 8, 2018, at 9:47 AM, Zubair Asghar Raja <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Amjad
>>>>>>> Is aDiagnose an option set? If it is then try using code instead of
>>>>>>> name.
>>>>>>> Zubair
>>>>>>> Den man. 8. okt. 2018, 6:50 a.m. skrev Amjad Ata Allah <
>>>>>>>> Hi Stephen
>>>>>>>> Here is the condition expression:
>>>>>>>> #{aDiagnose} != 'Meningitis - Other Bacterial' || #{aDiagnose} !=
>>>>>>>> 'Meningitis - Hemophillus Influenza' || #{aDiagnose} != 'Meningitis -
>>>>>>>> Meningococcal Meningitis'
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 12:41 AM Stephen Ocaya <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello  Amjad M. Ata-Allah , Kindly share the condition expression
>>>>>>>>> for the program rule.
>>>>>>>>> regards
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Oct 7, 2018 at 10:15 PM Amjad Ata Allah <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear All,
>>>>>>>>>> I am working on DHIS2 2.30 project.
>>>>>>>>>> I am trying to hide/show program stage depending on a user
>>>>>>>>>> selection. I succeed to hide the program stage, but its not showing 
>>>>>>>>>> back.
>>>>>>>>>> Also there is no errors in the console.
>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>> Calle Hedberg
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>>>>> Skype: amjad.ataallah
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>>>> --
>>>> *******************************************
>>>> Calle Hedberg
>>>> 46D Alma Road, 7700 Rosebank, SOUTH AFRICA
>>>> Tel/fax (home): +27-21-685-6472
>>>> Cell: +27-82-853-5352
>>>> Iridium SatPhone: +8816-315-19119
>>>> Email:
>>>> Skype: calle_hedberg
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>>> M: +970.599.721.158
>>> Em:
>>> Em:
>>> Skype: amjad.ataallah
>>> _____________________________
>> --
>> *******************************************
>> Calle Hedberg
>> 46D Alma Road, 7700 Rosebank, SOUTH AFRICA
>> Tel/fax (home): +27-21-685-6472
>> Cell: +27-82-853-5352
>> Iridium SatPhone: +8816-315-19119
>> Email:
>> Skype: calle_hedberg
>> *******************************************
> --
> *******************************************
> Calle Hedberg
> 46D Alma Road, 7700 Rosebank, SOUTH AFRICA
> Tel/fax (home): +27-21-685-6472
> Cell: +27-82-853-5352
> Iridium SatPhone: +8816-315-19119
> Email:
> Skype: calle_hedberg
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Amjad M. Ata-Allah
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