The feature that my friends on thisemail thread try to explain I believe is 
very useful. It obvious that a lot of end-userson different tracker projects 
that I know were benefiting a lot with the namedfeature for generating some 
kind of LineListing report (profile) with selected attributes by all the 
organizationunits which are under their responsibility (User organisation unit).

Thanks Markus for the API, it worksfine for me. Though, in a quick glance it 
couldn't show the attributes with datatype "Date". Probably is because I am 
using data format ISO 8601 03-31-1981 (dd-MM-yyyy). However, the shared APIhas 
been useful, at least I managed to cool down the anger of my clients

Regardsto the security concern: I am100% agreed. However, I think we should 
trade-off because now the Tracker has varioususe-cases in every sector, it is 
no longer in health sector alone. Even in a Healthsometimes one would like to 
generate the line listing of the patients / clientsenrolled on their Districts 
(with other attributes, not necessary with names). Ithink we should have the 
option not necessary there, then during thecustomization one can activate it if 
want to use 

If we think for a security reasonsit is not safe having that functionality at 
Tracker Data entry (which I support), then we shouldimplement the same 
functionality on Even Report. But we may need to improve itby giving an option 
of giving line listing based on Attributes only (without interferethe events on 
given period). The big limitation with event report is justgiving the all 
events on the row in a given period of time. If one person has10 transactions 
(events) in given period of time, it will appear 10 times onthe event rows. 
Furthermore the person if is not assigned into any Programstage will not show 
up on events, which are not required if one generate theProfile report. 

I think all these are things whichneed to be considered. May be we should 
request these on JIRA!!

Best regards

    On Wednesday, August 22, 2018, 2:41:29 PM GMT+3, Kamugunga Adolphe 
<> wrote:  
 Hi Markus,
I think what Stanley is trying to express here, applies to all about good 
features that  our end-users are familiar with, and  which get disappeared from 
version to versions.  In the older versions, an end-user at higher Orgunit 
might list all TEI  recorded simply by selecting specific OU. From this list 
he/she can immediately opt to list all, active enrollment, completed , etc 
depending on what is needed for further analysis without passing through Event 
reports app. 

We have received the same complaints from program using Tracker based  systems. 
Because this way of listing TEI is quick  and i would advocate if you can 
explore the possibility of activating again.
On the other hand, i need to hear from the community regarding  DHIS 2.29  if 
the Event report  app is generating tables with cases based data captured after 
upgrading. My tracker system is misbehaving after upgrading to 2.29, the Event 
reports app is no aggregating cases reported after upgrade while the scheduled  
analytics seems to run correctly . Has it reported or someone has hint?

Adolphe Kamugunga
MIS Technical Advisor
Mobile: +250 788 740 578
Skype: ka.adolphe

On Wed, 22 Aug 2018 at 12:29, Markus Bekken <> wrote:

Hey again!Can you send me the full link you are trying, and also the link to 
the login page of your dhis instance?

22. aug. 2018 kl. 08:57 skrev Stanley Kalyati <>:
Hi Markus,
I have tried wgoing directly to the API but i keep getting this errorWhat could 
be the problem.I am using version 2.29
HTTP Status 404 - /2.29/api/29/trackedEntityInstances/query.csv

On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 9:32 AM Markus Bekken <> wrote:

Hey Stanley,thanks for the feedback.
You can go directly to the API and get the 
- ou would be the UID of your top/root organization unit. - program would be 
the uid of the program you want to download TEIs for.
You can perhaps create a "external resource" and put this link on a dashboard 
for use of your end users.
Let me know if this helps :)

5. jul. 2018 kl. 10:18 skrev Stanley Kalyati <>:
Hey Markus,
This makes alot of sense though.
However,my issue is when i want to download the entire list of TEI's into an 
excel or CV for other analysis outside DHIS2,i can not do so.Initially i would 
simply List All and download the list of TEI's.
If there is a way i can do that,then thats fine.
Thank you
On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 9:06 AM Markus Bekken <> wrote:

Hey Stanley,You are right - the "List all" button is no longer there in the 
reworked UI of 2.29. We are actively working on making the Tracker data more 
secure, and the use case for the list all function was perhaps not understood 
properly by us when we designed 2.29. Can you let us know a bit about your use 
case? Will the end user click the button to list all TEIs in the entire system 
and start paging through the list?
Best regards,Markus

4. jul. 2018 kl. 17:25 skrev Stanley Kalyati <>:
Hi Marta,
Actually when i select an OU i am able to see the TEI's but to display all 
TEI's across all OU's like we used to in versions 2.28 below where we could 
select 'List All' and all TEI's could be displayed,i dont see it in 2.29.
Any ideas
On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 4:18 PM Marta Vila <> wrote:

Hi Stanley,
not seeing yout TEI's could be caused by the "Display front page list" 
parameter not being marked. It is in the program details step when you create 
or edit your program.

On 4 July 2018 at 16:11, Stanley Kalyati <> wrote:

Anyone to assist here?
On Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 11:56 AM Stanley Kalyati <> wrote:

With other versions of DHIS2,i would simply click on List All and all TEI 
regardless of OU registered from,they would all appear and i would download and 
review i may.
How can i do this in 2.29?

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