DHIS2 Academy Bulletin
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6 reasons to attend a DHIS2 Academy

** Get to know DHIS2 latest features

Interact with members of DHIS2 Community

Learn from experts how to address real life challenges

** Be awarded with a certificate

Do you have any questions? Now it is time to ask

Proven track record: Since 2011, over 3500 participants from 60 countries have 
been trained
Our Level 1 Academies
The Information Use Academies

"Data has to tell a story, and the visualization techniques employed will 
dictate the quality of the narrative." In information management systems, data 
is consumed for decision making through clear and concise dashboards 
(collections of different data visualizations, charts, maps, and pivot tables).

Choosing the most appropriate visualization technique or dashboard to convey a 
certain message or target a specific audience is key for program success.

Whether you are based in Asia, West or East Africa, check out the next DHIS2 
Information Use Academy and do not hesitate to register!
«Les données nous racontent une histoire, et les techniques de visualisation 
dictent la qualité de la narration». Vous souhaitez en apprendre plus sur 
l'Utilisation de l'Information? N’hésitez pas à vous inscrire à la prochaine 

More on Information Use (https://www.dhis2.org/information-use)

2 - 7 Juillet 2018
Lomé, Togo

Cette Académie sur l'Utilisation de l'Information s'adresse à notre communauté 
francophone en Afrique de l'Ouest et Afrique Centrale. Inscrivez-vous

2 - 7 July 2018
Shimla, India

This 6 day Academy targets our community members based in Asia. Register
here (https://www.dhis2.org/india2018-home)

9 - 14 July 2018
Kigali, Rwanda

Participants coming from Eastern and Southern Africa will learn how to enhance 
the use of DHIS2 in their daily work. Register

The DHIS2 Tracker Academy
16 - 21 July
Lagos, Nigeria

This 6 day specialization course covers all aspects of DHIS2 tracker; the 
feature set in DHIS2 supporting event and patient (tracked entity) level data.

Get introduced to basic concepts of designing, collecting, analyzing and 
performing preliminary administration on event and case-based data. The course 
will focus on:

- How to set up tracking and event based programs for both web and android. 
Configuring tracker for surveys will also be covered;

- The sharing model.
Register now (https://goo.gl/forms/YuRDtjiMqSWu6IE02)
The DHIS2 Experts Academy Oslo 2018
18 - 22 June
Through plenary and parallel sessions, discussions and hands-on demos, use case 
bazaars and heated discussions, this Academy will be an opportunity to meet 
with experienced international DHIS2 implementers, the key people providing 
technical support to initiate and maintain large-scale DHIS2 projects.

Learn more on the DHIS2 Experts Academy (https://www.dhis2.org/oslo2018-home)
Connect with us

P.O. Box 1080 Blindern
N-0316 Norway

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