Hi all,

DHIS version 2.27 is out with many new features, apps and improvements.

Log in with admin/district on the demo <http://play.dhis2.org/demo/> system.



Period and organisation unit drill-down: The Pivot Table app now supports
drill-down (and up) for periods and organisation unit. This means that you
can, for example, drill down from yearly periods to quarters, months and
weeks inside the pivot table. You can also drill down from the global
organisation unit to countries, provinces and facilities.

Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-pivot/?id=nRtApqye0HW> | Screenshot
| 2
| Docs <https://docs.dhis2.org/master/en/user/html/pivot_about.html>

Organisation unit levels as columns: When downloading a pivot table with
organisation units as rows and the “Show hierarchy” option enabled in the
options dialog, each organisation unit level is rendered as a separate
column. This is useful for example when you create Excel pivot tables on a
local computer.

Demo 1
| 2 <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-pivot/?id=qfMh2IjOxvw> |
| Docs <https://docs.dhis2.org/master/en/user/html/pivot_download_data.html>

Hide empty columns: The Pivot Table app now lets you hide empty columns in
the table. You enable this in the Table options dialog.

Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-pivot/?id=qq4OLR4GtgB> |
| Docs

Legend by data element: In the Pivot Table app, you can now color the table
cells according to each data element or indicator individually. You enable
this in the Table options dialog by setting legend to “By data item”.

Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-pivot/?id=RbKrxPXlH4D> |
| Docs

Row and column % in pivots tables: In the Pivot Table app you can now
display values as percentages of row total or percentage of column total
(instead of the aggregated value). This is useful in order to see the
contribution of data elements, categories and organisation units to the
total value. You enable this in Table options dialog.

Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-pivot/?id=XfGJ59rxOki> |
| Docs

100% stacked column charts: In the Data Visualizer app you can now display
100% stacked column charts. You enable this in the Chart options dialog.

Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-visualizer/?id=NjK24B1oGYF> |
| Docs

Cumulative values in line charts: In the Data Visualizer app you can now
create line charts with cumulative values. You enable this in the Chart
options dialog.

Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-visualizer/?id=hQxZGXqnLS9> |
| Docs

Chart title handling: In the Data Visualizer app you can now control the
chart title and subtitle, in terms of hiding or displaying the as well as
specifying custom titles. You enable this in the Chart options dialog.

Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-visualizer/?id=yMX355NZxNX> |
| Docs

Hide missing values handling: The Data Visualizer app now offers better
control over hiding of missing values. You can choose between “Before first
value”, “After last value” and “Before first and after last value”. This is
useful for example when creating column and bar charts. You enable this in
the Chart options dialog.

Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-visualizer/?id=xvfLxkH8IQu> |
| Docs

EPI weeks: The system now supports various weekly period types, with
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday as the first day of the
week. Data can be collected through data sets configured to use the desired
weekly period type. The analytics engine will attribute weekly data to the
month which contains four days or more of the week.

Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-pivot/?id=hY0eM8AWg6k> |
| Docs <https://docs.dhis2.org/master/en/user/html/period_types.html>

Group set flexibility: Data element groups and organisation unit groups can
now be be part of any number of group sets. This allows for increased
flexibility in analysis. This change also allows for persisting the “All
items” checkbox as part of favorites in analytics apps.

Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-pivot/?id=pyYNQR0bfD7> |
| Docs org unit group set
| Docs data element group set

Attribute option combos in indicators: You can now specify data elements
together with attribute option combinations in indicator expressions. This
is useful e.g. to compare targets vs results, or the performance of various
programs in indicator calculations. UI support is not yet there, attribute
option combos can be entered directly in the expression, see the docs.

Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-pivot/?id=yyG85tyRhs4> |
| Docs

Reporting rates in indicators: Indicator now allows for specifying
reporting rates and actual reports in expressions. This is useful e.g. to
adjust for data completeness in performance indicators. UI support is not
yet there, reporting rates can be entered directly in the expression, see
the docs.

Demo 1
| 2 <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-visualizer/?id=S3BPGxKzrdz> |
| Docs

Favorites and interpretations in event analytics apps: The new, file-based
favorite solution has been introduced in the Event Reports and Event
Visualizer apps, similar to the solution in for example the Pivot Table
app. This means that you can now also create and share interpretations for
event reports and event charts.

Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-event-reports/index.html> |
| Docs Event Visualizer app
<https://docs.dhis2.org/master/en/user/html/event_visualizer_app.html> | Docs
Event Reports app

Program category dimensions in event analytics apps: The Event Reports and
Event Visualizer apps let you use program categories and category option
group sets as dimensions for tables and charts. This applies for programs
with category combinations.

Demo 1
| 2
| Screenshot
| Docs Event Visualizer app
| Docs Event Reports app

Multiple legend sets per data element: In Event reports and Event
Visualizer apps you can aggregate events by multiple legend sets per data
element. This becomes useful e.g. with age groups. You can collect age in
years as part of an event and then aggregate into various age groups, i.e.
by 10 year intervals or 15 year intervals. This way, data can be collected
once and later used to satisfy multiple reporting needs.

Demo 1
| 2
| Screenshot 1
| 2
| Docs <https://docs.dhis2.org/master/en/user/html/manage_data_element.html>

Program and event status: You can now filter data by program status and
event status in the Event Reports and Event Visualizer apps. You can set
these filters from the options dialog.

| Screenshot
| Docs Event Visualizer app
| Docs Event Reports app

Program stage count in indicators: Program indicators support a variable
for counting the number of events for a program stage.

| Docs

Most viewed favorites: Event reports and event visualizer provides links to
your most popular favorites on the start page.

Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-event-visualizer/> | Screenshot



Program rule improvements: A completely new user interface for managing
program rules has been introduced in the Maintenance app. A range of new
program rule actions is now supported in the new user interface:


   Assign value. Enables client side calculations.

   Display text. Enables the web client to display text in the indicator or
   feedback widgets.

   Display key/value pair. Enables the web client to display a information
   box with a title and value in either the indicator or feedback widgets.

   Make field mandatory. Enables program rules to turn a field mandatory
   based on rule expression.

Other improvements include the ability to delete and change program rule
variables(source fields), and the ability to include one data element in
several program rule variables. For all warning and error messages it will
now be possible to include a dynamic/calculated part at the end of the
static error message.

| Screenshot setup
| Rule expression
| Rule action
| Tracker capture
| Docs

Event programs in Maintenance app: The Maintenance app now supports
management of event programs. This includes new UI for creating event
programs, organisation unit assignment, sections, custom forms and
notifications. The create program screen is designed as wizard where the
program can be configured across several steps. Tracker type programs is
still located in the old Programs/Attributes app.

| Screenshot
| Docs

Program indicators in Maintenance app: Program indicators can now be
managed in the Maintenance app. The new UI lets you create indicators
across three steps and provides a simpler way of creating expressions and

| Screenshot
| Docs

Person search order: In the Tracker Capture app, you can now sort the list
of tracked entity instances by each column in the search.

Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-tracker-capture/index.html> |



Sharing dialog: A new dialog for sharing of metadata is now available in
the Maintenance app, offering a better and simpler user experience.

| Screenshot
| Docs

Notification modes: Validation rule notifications can now be sent as
individual messages or as message summaries. This is useful e.g. when you
want to send individual messages for high-priority disease outbreaks, and
summaries for low-priority routine data validation errors.

| Docs

Sliding windows in validation: Validation rules can now calculate data
based on sliding time windows. This implies that data is evaluated not just
for fixed periods, such as weeks, but also for sliding intervals of the
same duration, e.g. Wednesday to Thursday.

| Docs

Improved password security: The system now provides greater security and
control over passwords. This can be enabled under System Settings > Access.

- Email notifications can be sent out to users 14 days before their
password expires and must be changed.

- The minimum number of characters in passwords is configurable and can be
between 8 and 14.

- Password must contain a mix of at least three characters from the
following categories: uppercase, lowercase, numeric and special

- When changing passwords, users cannot use any of the 24 previously used

| Docs Users app
| Docs System Settings app

Cloud storage for resources: Resource (files and links, found in the
Reports app > Resources) can now be configured and be backed by a cloud
storage provider such as AWS S3. This allows for infinite storage of files.
This requires that you’ve configures a cloud store in dhis.conf.
Note: if you’ve configured cloud storage in dhis.conf, all files you upload
or the files system generates will use cloud storage, not only resources.

| Screenshot
| Docs
| Cloud file store setup docs

Improved metadata export: Metadata export with dependencies now supports
data element groups and dashboards.

| Docs

Data store manager: A new app is available which lets you manage the
content of the web API data stores. This is helpful when managing apps and
external scripts.

Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-datastore/#/> | Screenshot
| Docs



Memcached support: You can now use memcached as an application cache
provider. This allows for greater scalability as memcached can be hosted on
a separate server off-heap.




Tracker soft delete: Soft deletion has been introduced for the tracked
entity instance and enrollment entities. This gives clients with local
databases the opportunity to react on deleted entities.


Deleted metadata objects log: Deletion of metadata is now logged and can be
queried from a new endpoint /api/deletedObjects. This allows clients with
local databases to react on deleted metadata objects.


Email sending: A new endpoint for sending email is introduced at /api/email.

Docs <https://docs.dhis2.org/master/en/developer/html/webapi_email.html>

Min-max data element values: A new endpoint for setting and retrieving
min-max data element values is introduced at /api/minMaxDataElements.


Lock exceptions: A new endpoint which lets you create, retrieve and remove
data set lock exceptions is available at /api/lockExceptions.


Event export identifier schemes: The event export resource for now
supported identifier schemes, i.e. allows for use of code as well as




Release Information


Download release and sample database


Documentation and Javadocs


Upgrade notes


Details about each feature on JIRA


Overview of fixed issues


Source code on Github


Demo instance


Instructions for signing up for DHIS 2 mailing lists


Enjoy the new release.

Best regards,

The DHIS2 development team

Lars Helge Øverland
Lead developer, DHIS 2
University of Oslo
Skype: larshelgeoverland
http://www.dhis2.org <https://www.dhis2.org/>
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs
Post to     : dhis2-devs@lists.launchpad.net
Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs
More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp

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