Thanks, Markus.

Archana Chillala
Application Developer
Telephone +91 9100960533 <+91+9100960533>
[image: ThoughtWorks]

On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 7:00 PM, Markus Bekken <> wrote:

> Hi Archana,
> sorry for the delayed response.
> Functionality for editing of variables is regrettably lacking in the
> program rules editor. Support for editing and renaming is coming in a later
> release, possibly at the same time as we modernize the program rules editor
> UI. Name change is currently only possible through the API and directly in
> the database. Remember that if you update a variables name you might have
> to also update expressions. When an update name function is added to the
> UI, the solution would refactor automatically - but for now you would have
> to do it manually.
> To update the variable RycV5uDi66i to "updatedName" through the API:
> curl -X PATCH -u admin:district -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d
> '{"name":"updatedName"}' "http://localhost:8080/api/programRuleVariables/
> RycV5uDi66i"
> As the configurators are free to use their own naming convention for
> variables, it is not currently possible to do a reliable automatic renaming
> of the variables. Generally it might be a good idea to have a short
> variable name that captures the data elements essential meaning, and not
> the complete data element name. If you are using different source types and
> other settings, the variable name might contain a clues to this.
> Markus
> 30. jan. 2017 kl. 13.16 skrev Archana Chillala <
> >:
> Hi,
> Could you please provide any update on this ?
> Archana Chillala
> Application Developer
> Email
> Telephone +91 9100960533 <+91+9100960533>
> [image: ThoughtWorks]
> <>
> On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 2:54 PM, Archana Chillala <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We're using latest revision of DHIS 2.25. In Program rules, do we have
>> the ability to modify or delete the source field after they've been first
>> added? If so, could you please elaborate how we could do that? Because,
>> currently, we have a button to add a source field, but we don't have any UI
>> component to modify/delete an existing one. (See screenshot below)
>> <source fields.png>
>> When we add a source field, we have to give a variable name, and in most
>> cases, the variable name will be same as data element name (in short). Now,
>> later if we modify that data element to something else, (rename or change
>> any of its properties or make it an option set), the data element name in
>> program rule also changes accordingly, but the variable name of the source
>> field will still remain the same old one. So, here renaming the variable
>> name will help identify. It would also be good if we could delete that
>> particular source field and add it again.
>> It would be valuable if that functionality is provided.
>> Thoughts?
>> *Cheers,*
>> Archana Chillala
>> Application Developer
>> Email
>> Telephone +91 9100960533 <+91+9100960533>
>> [image: ThoughtWorks]
>> <>
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