Hi Lars,

Just following up on this. What would the timeline look like for the
implementation of POST support for resources in api/documents?



On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 3:26 PM, Lorill Crees <lcr...@2paths.com> wrote:

> Thanks Lars, that is helpful.
> We have a couple of use cases for this functionality:
>    1. There is a desire to upload supporting documents around particular
>    surveys in DHIS 2. For example, there may be a Word doc with the background
>    information around what a particular survey is about and how it was
>    conducted, and users want that linked to the particular survey (Program).
>    2. We had been investigating different options for integrating R with
>    DHIS 2, and were looking for a way to store binary file outputs from R such
>    as pngs etc. These would be related to a Program in general, and we would
>    not want to store those on a data value basis.
> Users would also want the above documents to be available on Dashboards.
> In regards to the short-term workaround you suggested, what would the
> timeline for that look like?
> Thanks again,
> Lorill
> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 3:02 PM, Lars Helge Øverland <l...@dhis2.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi Lorill,
>> we are not going to deprecate/remove api/documents so it is safe to use
>> it, however like you say we do not have POST support in the API so it is a
>> bit useless at the moment. A short-term workaround would be to simply
>> - implement POST support for files in DocumentController - patch? ;)
>> - use some sort of soft reference like prefixing the document name with
>> the program or data set UID.
>> - documents support the sharing paradigm so you could use that for access
>> control
>> Longer term (around 2.25) we are planning to generalize the file resource
>> concept we did for 2.20 into more of a general purpose file store. As you
>> know this has cloud backend support and is a more scalable solution.
>> However this design of this is still on the drawing board - we will keep
>> you posted!
>> If you could provide a bit more detail about your requirement that would
>> also be helpful to guide us.
>> best regards,
>> Lars
>> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 10:14 PM, Lorill Crees <lcr...@2paths.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks Morten. That's great news about web-api versioning.
>>> In regards to the /api/documents endpoint, is it possible to create a
>>> document or is it read-only? I can't find documentation on that call.
>>> Halvdan - I look forward to your responses about the current available
>>> storage methods.
>>> On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 9:18 PM, Morten Olav Hansen <mor...@dhis2.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I don't think there are any plans to deprecate this endpoint right now
>>>> (we are hoping to have web-api versioning in 2.24, so that at least would
>>>> make it easier going forward). So you can assume that endpoint will
>>>> continue to live on.
>>>> For the current available storage methods, I will let Halvdan answer
>>>> that. We already have a filestore abstraction internally (which allows for
>>>> adding files to data elements), but I'm not sure if the plans is to have
>>>> this as a more generic functionality.
>>>> --
>>>> Morten Olav Hansen
>>>> Senior Engineer, DHIS 2
>>>> University of Oslo
>>>> http://www.dhis2.org
>>>> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:54 AM, Lorill Crees <lcr...@2paths.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Morten and Team,
>>>>> Following up on this again. Are there still plans to deprecate the
>>>>> /api/documents functionality? And what are your recommendations on how we
>>>>> should approach the storage of dataset & program level documents? Please
>>>>> see my questions below.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Lorill
>>>>> On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 10:59 AM, Lorill Crees <lcr...@2paths.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi - just following up on this. Any recommendations on how we should
>>>>>> approach the storage of dataset & program level documents?
>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 2:13 PM, Lorill Crees <lcr...@2paths.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> I just wanted to revive this old thread regarding the storage of
>>>>>>> documents in DHIS 2. We are wanting to programatically upload files into
>>>>>>> DHIS 2 that are related to Data Sets and Programs in general, for users 
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> be able to view/download via the DHIS 2 UI.
>>>>>>> Using the file resource functionality for this would be clunky, as
>>>>>>> we would not want to have these files related to specific data values. 
>>>>>>> For
>>>>>>> example, if we had District-level survey data, we would want one file 
>>>>>>> to be
>>>>>>> uploaded that was related to *all* data values in this Program for a
>>>>>>> country. We could maybe have a kludge where we add one data value for 
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> file associated with the country-level org unit but this does not seem
>>>>>>> ideal.
>>>>>>> Additionally it doesn't seem easy via the DHIS 2 UI to actually
>>>>>>> view/download the files themselves. I see the RESTful url for the file 
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> shown as a link in the data entry screen, but don't see another way to 
>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>> at the files via the UI without constructing the RESTful url for the Web
>>>>>>> API manually (unless I'm missing something?). It looks like we would 
>>>>>>> likely
>>>>>>> need to make a DHIS 2 app to allow users more easy access to the files
>>>>>>> themselves for our particular use case.
>>>>>>> It seems that the Resource (aka Document) functionality would make
>>>>>>> more sense for us to use:
>>>>>>> http://<server>/dhis-web-reporting/displayViewDocumentForm.action
>>>>>>> /api/documents
>>>>>>> We could have a kludge where we reference the Data Set or Program
>>>>>>> via naming convention.
>>>>>>> However, in reading this thread I see that the plan is to deprecate
>>>>>>> /api/documents altogether. I also couldn't find documentation regarding
>>>>>>> this API call and how to actually create a resource(document) via the 
>>>>>>> API.
>>>>>>> I did notice in another thread "Using DHIS File Store" that
>>>>>>> supporting "standalone" file resources is a feature that is in the
>>>>>>> pipeline. Is there any ETA for that functionality?
>>>>>>> Do you have any recommendations for us of how we should tackle this
>>>>>>> use case?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Lorill
>>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 5:59 AM, Halvdan Grelland <
>>>>>>> halvda...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Yes, eventually we could probably do that.
>>>>>>>> First order of business is really to allow (external) files to be
>>>>>>>> stored in lieu of the value field of DataValue. The details of how the
>>>>>>>> model will look in the end is still to be decided and is very much
>>>>>>>> dependent on the requirements of the storage backend (I'm experimenting
>>>>>>>> with Apache jClouds to do this at the moment) and the range of uses we
>>>>>>>> envision within DHIS2.
>>>>>>>> I would not recommend hacking a solution together using the
>>>>>>>> datavalue.value field. It might work (kind of), but is hardly scalable 
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> will be (I assure you) a complete pain to maintain and will be hard to
>>>>>>>> migrate when we eventually get a more integrated solution to this
>>>>>>>> requirement.
>>>>>>>> As for ETA It's a bit up in the air currently. As said, it's proven
>>>>>>>> to be complex to implement properly.
>>>>>>>> Btw. Morten, there is an api/files endpoint (it's used to manage
>>>>>>>> custom css/js). ;)
>>>>>>>> 2015-07-29 11:38 GMT+02:00 Morten Olav Hansen <morte...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>> We also already have the /api/documents endpoint, is the idea to
>>>>>>>>> somehow merge these similar functionalities? Maybe we need a 
>>>>>>>>> /api/files
>>>>>>>>> endpoint.. and we can deprecate /api/documents (and then later 
>>>>>>>>> replace it
>>>>>>>>> with a document store as it has been discussed before... always 
>>>>>>>>> wanted to
>>>>>>>>> remove /api/documents)
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Morten
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 6:16 AM, Halvdan Grelland <
>>>>>>>>> halvda...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Definitely agree! The working title at the moment is 'file
>>>>>>>>>> resource', which seems to be descriptive enough and not too generic.
>>>>>>>>>> 'Document' as it exists right now in dhis2 is really only local
>>>>>>>>>> storage with a relative path in the DB. 'File resources' could 
>>>>>>>>>> potentially
>>>>>>>>>> replace that (as a more flexible back end).
>>>>>>>>>> (There are other questions brought up that I'd like to address
>>>>>>>>>> but I'm on my phone on terrible hotel wifi at the moment so will 
>>>>>>>>>> come back
>>>>>>>>>> to those).
>>>>>>>>>> On 28 Jul 2015 4:45 pm, "Morten Olav Hansen" <morte...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I don't like that we at naming the bp document. Let's file it a
>>>>>>>>>>> file api.
>>>>>>>>>>> As much as possible I want to save the wording document until we
>>>>>>>>>>> implement a proper nosql document storage.
>>>>>>>>>>> We already have /api:documents which I want to remove (I doubt
>>>>>>>>>>> many external apps depend on it)
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, July 28, 2015, Elmarie Claasen <elma...@hisp.org>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all, there is a blueprint for this already
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/dhis2/+spec/document-dataelement-attribute-type
>>>>>>>>>>>> Elmarie
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 28 Jul 2015 11:27 AM, "Greg Rowles" <greg.row...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Halvdan
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sounds great and a good alternative! I'd like to work through
>>>>>>>>>>>>> an example or two:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> We have annual performance plans made up of multiple quarterly
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reports so I would expect there to be 2 data sets:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  - Annual Performance Plans (fYear)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  - Quarterly Performance Reports (fQuarter)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If we configure these data sets to include a single data
>>>>>>>>>>>>> element of type 'Text' what name would we give to this element? 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'Document'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or 'File'?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> We're currently experimenting with ownCloud for document
>>>>>>>>>>>>> storage as an interim solution. I guess nothing stops us from 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> loading the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ownCloud URL into datavalue.value?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Greg
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 10:49 AM, Harsh Atal <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> harsh.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Halvdan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *We are planning on introducing files as a type for data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> values, as well as data elements supporting this (document, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> images). You
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would then use the datavalue model to implement these types of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> requirements.*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ^^This is exactly what is needed by us. I didn't know this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was already in the works!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> May be its a bit early to ask but.....for which version is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this planned for? It will be of immense use in one of our 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> projects.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> harsh
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 28 July 2015 at 14:10, Halvdan Grelland <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> halvda...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We are planning on introducing files as a type for data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> values, as well as data elements supporting this (document, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> images). You
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would then use the datavalue model to implement these types of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> requirements.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The implementation is in the works but is a fairly complex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> beast as we're juggling actual files outside of the database 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (we consider
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in-db storage of large blobs uscalable and a generally bad 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> idea). We're
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also planning to enable offloading this to third party cloud 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> storage (eg
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> amazon s3).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm on holiday at the moment but please respond if you have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any comments and I'll get back to you when I can.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 28 Jul 2015 10:02 am, "Greg Rowles" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> greg.row...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi All
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These are the concepts we've been thinking about:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DocumentSet, DocumentSetLevel, Document.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [DocumentSet] would similar to data sets in that they are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cyclical. They may have different periodTypes (e.g. yearly, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fYealy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> quarterly, fQuarterly, onChange) and may be compulsory. These 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> include
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> performance plans, development plans, mandatory reporting 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> requirements,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> policy documents or content originating in other domains. A 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DocumentSet may
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have a design template (or default document) from which users 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> borrow layout
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for their submissions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [DocumentSetLevel] is the orgunitlevel associated with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DocumentSet (and possibly a compulsory y/n field). This caters 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mandatory reporting requirements across different levels of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the DHIS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hierarchy.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Document] would be the actual object and associated meta
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data (DocumentID, name, uid, description, owner, creationdate,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organisationUnitID, DocumentSetID, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {startdate:enddate/periodid},
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> downloadURL, etc)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not sure how the actual document content would be hosted,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stored or even what solutions are available right now but if 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the following
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concepts were available through API calls - it would make life 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> really easy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for us here in SA...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Greg
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 9:07 AM, Jason Pickering <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jason.p.picker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ah, I get the requirement now. This would be documents
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which would be uploaded as part of a data set submission. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yeah, this is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> really currently supported as far as I can tell, but it would 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be a good
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> idea.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jason
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 8:37 AM, Harsh Atal <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> harsh.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Related to this we also have a similar requirement where
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the functionality for document upload is required as part of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> normal data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entry.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Basically, a person has to visit a facility for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inspection and taking photos of the facility is part of that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inspection.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These photos then have to be uploaded as a kind of appendix 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> along with the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> routine data entry of the inspection form.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> harsh
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 28 July 2015 at 11:08, Jason Pickering <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jason.p.picker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Greg,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can always simply upload the supporting document as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a resource and then make it available through a dashboard.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Otherwise, maybe you could write a more specific
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blueprint?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jason
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 8:59 PM, Calle Hedberg <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> calle.hedb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Greg,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As far as I know, this is just an idea that Lars and I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have been chatting about. I'll bring it up during the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expert academy to get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wider inputs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> calle
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 27 July 2015 at 12:33, Greg Rowles <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> greg.row...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Devs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I heard there is talk for supporting document storage
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as part of DHIS2 but I don't find any plans on launchpad. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can anyone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> confirm?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Greg
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Health Information Systems Program - South Africa*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *- - - - - - - **- - - - - - - **- - - - - - - **- -
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile  :    073 246 2992
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Landline:   021 554 3130
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *******************************************
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Calle Hedberg
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 46D Alma Road, 7700 Rosebank, SOUTH AFRICA
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jason P. Pickering
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> email: jason.p.picker...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tel:+46764147049
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jason P. Pickering
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> email: jason.p.picker...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tel:+46764147049
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile  :    073 246 2992
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Skype:      gregory_rowles
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>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile  :    073 246 2992
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>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Morten
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>> --
>> Lars Helge Øverland
>> Lead developer, DHIS 2
>> University of Oslo
>> Skype: larshelgeoverland
>> l...@dhis2.org
>> http://www.dhis2.org <https://www.dhis2.org/>
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