Any help on this?


On Sat, May 7, 2016 at 8:53 PM, Pramil Liyanage <> wrote:

> Thanks Lars. Let me summarize my issue. We have been using aggregated
> reporting for TB for a few years and recently introduced individual records
> and aggregated using query builder to the same aggregated dataset. This was
> customized to the exact national paper report and report was generated from
> dataset report for printing.
> Now since agg. queries are not there we will not be able to get data from
> tracker into the same data element. If we shift to a new report using
> program indicators we will not be able to use the previous aggregate data
> in future analysis and comparison.
> To make the matter worse, there was a lot of disaggregation of data
> elements using categories, where we wrote queries for each one.
> We are stuck at a dead end at 2.22! Please suggest the best solution.
> Your suggestion to have program indicators in the custom dataset is a good
> idea for future. But my issue is get them into existing elements if I
> upgrade to 2.23, and not a few, about 700 in all reports.
> Regards
> Pramil
> On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 6:55 PM, Pamod Amarakoon <> wrote:
>> Dear Lars,
>> Making aggregated event data available on the fly in data set report
>> would certainly be a useful tool especially when maintaining monitoring and
>> evaluation forms for tracker activities.
>> Thank you
>> On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 6:35 PM, Lars Helge Øverland <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Pramil,
>>> you can retrieve aggregated event data from the analytics api.
>>> Excerpt from the docs:
>>> To query for program data elements (of tracker domain type) you can get
>>> those by specifying the program for each data element using the
>>> <program-id>.<dataelement-id> syntax:
>>> /api/analytics.json?dimension=dx:eBAyeGv0exc.qrur9Dvnyt5;eBAyeGv0exc.GieVkTxp4HH
>>> &dimension=pe:LAST_12_MONTHS&filter=ou:ImspTQPwCqd
>>> One work-around could be to write a bit of Javascript and include that
>>> in the custom form to retrieve and display event based aggregated data
>>> inside the data entry form, if that is what you are looking to do.
>>> I have been pondering for a while on adding a feature where you could
>>> specify tracker-type data elements in custom data entry forms, and have the
>>> system automatically display aggregated event data, both in forms and in
>>> data set report. Let me know if that could work.
>>> regards,
>>> Lars
>>> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 11:03 AM, Pramil Liyanage <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> Since the aggregation queries are not there anymore is it possible to
>>>> get program indicator value into an existing Aggregate Dataset through data
>>>> entry screen design?
>>>> Or any other alternative workaround?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Pramil
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>>> Lars Helge Øverland
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>> Pamod Amarakoon
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