Hi again

On second thought, I see you are talking about aggregate data.. this table
has existed for a while, what we did in 2.22 was to rename it from
timestamp to created.

Are you saying it is named timestamp even on a fresh new database?

For existing databases you should be able to just do:
alter table datavalueaudit rename column timestamp to created

(that said, this is already done during startup.. but maybe you have both
created and timestamp column.. which could create issues)


On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 9:42 AM, Morten Olav Hansen <morte...@gmail.com>

> Hi Craig
> Probably you were trying 2.22 out during development phase? That column
> existed for a few days before it was renamed.
> Simply removing the timestamp column should work
> On Saturday, 30 January 2016, Craig Hollingsworth <
> craig.hollingswo...@nrc.no> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Hope all are well.
>> Today I started to enter some historic data into our new shiny dhis2
>> system and think I may have broken it already!
>> When I enter aggregate data elements into the system it uploads ok and
>> the cell turns green.    If I then try to update the same cell the system
>> throws an internal server error.
>> The Dhis2 log gives the following error:
>> WARN  2016-01-29 17:08:54,788 SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 23502
>> (SqlExceptionHelper.java [http-apr-8081-exec-8])
>> * ERROR 2016-01-29 17:08:54,789 ERROR: null value in column "timestamp"
>> violates not-null constraint
>>   Detail: Failing row contains (7639, 5830, 5218, 7428, 15, 7072, 1,
>> null, admin, DELETE, 2016-01-29 17:08:54.78). (SqlExceptionHelper.java
>> [http-apr-8081-exec-8])
>> We’ve not been able to recreate the bug on the dhis2play version.   We’ve
>> checked the postgres db and all  the relevant fields appear to be there so
>> we do not think it is related to the previous upgrade process to v2.22.
>>  From what we gather the error is thrown when trying to update the audit
>> table due to lack of a timestamp.
>> We tried against a range of data elements and appears not to be related
>> to any specific one / or specific category combo.
>> Have tried setting up a new ‘clean’ dataset with just one dataelement.
>> Have tried auto and custom data entry forms
>> Am logging in as sys admin.
>> Dhis2 v 2.22 ,
>> build 21782 from 26th January.
>> Hosted with BAO.
>> Would appreciate if anyone could advise/support and check whether this is
>> a bug or not.  Can give access to the system if required.
>> Many thanks
>> Craig
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> Craig Hollingsworth
>> Global M&E Data Pilots Project Manager
>> Tel: +57 320 208 4921  / +44 (0) 7570 138 151
>> Skype:  Craig.Hollingsworth
>> [image: NRC Logo spanish]
>> ----------------------------------------------
> --
> --
> Morten
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