
I wanted to create a new favorite at pivot table that filters the date
values between a range of 500 to 1000.

I could get the output i needed using

I wanted to create a favourite for the same. I posted following json to

    "columns": [{
        "dimension": "dx",
        "items": [{
            "id": "dHqbtLysQz0.fHcQdNbIBwQ",
            "name": "BMI (BMI 18.5-24.9, Female)"
    "rows": [{
        "dimension": "pe",
        "items": [{
            "id": "LAST_12_MONTHS",
            "name": ""
        "dimension": "ou",
        "items": [{
            "id": "GYBZ1og9bk7"
    "filters": [],
    "showDimensionLabels": true,
    "hideEmptyRows": false,
    "skipRounding": false,
    "aggregationType": "DEFAULT",
    "dataApprovalLevel": {
        "id": "DEFAULT"
    "showHierarchy": false,
    "completedOnly": false,
    "displayDensity": "NORMAL",
    "fontSize": "NORMAL",
    "digitGroupSeparator": "SPACE",
    "legendSet": null,
    "sorting": null,
    "regression": false,
    "measureCriteria": "GT:500;LT:1000",
    "cumulative": false,
    "sortOrder": 0,
    "topLimit": 0,
    "rowTotals": true,
    "colTotals": true,
    "rowSubTotals": true,
    "colSubTotals": true,
    "reportParams": {
        "paramReportingPeriod": false,
        "paramOrganisationUnit": false,
        "paramParentOrganisationUnit": true
    "name": "bmi_normal_female_w_LTGT"

But this doesn't seem to work. what's the dimension/criteria I should use
to get this done.

Thank you

Pamod Amarakoon

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