------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 18595 committer: jimgr...@gmail.com branch nick: dhis2 timestamp: Thu 2015-03-12 14:00:07 -0400 message: Rewrite approval SQL query without derived table. modified: dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-core/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataapproval/hibernate/HibernateDataApprovalStore.java
-- lp:dhis2 https://code.launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk Your team DHIS 2 developers is subscribed to branch lp:dhis2. To unsubscribe from this branch go to https://code.launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk/+edit-subscription
=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-core/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataapproval/hibernate/HibernateDataApprovalStore.java' --- dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-core/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataapproval/hibernate/HibernateDataApprovalStore.java 2015-02-26 16:45:09 +0000 +++ dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-core/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataapproval/hibernate/HibernateDataApprovalStore.java 2015-03-12 18:00:07 +0000 @@ -328,8 +328,8 @@ "left join dataapproval da on da.organisationunitid = ous.organisationunitid " + "and da.dataapprovallevelid = " + dal.getId() + " and da.periodid in (" + periodIds + ") " + "and da.datasetid in (" + dataSetIds + ") " + - "and da.attributeoptioncomboid = a.categoryoptioncomboid " + - "where ous.idlevel" + orgUnitLevel + " = a.organisationunitid " + + "and da.attributeoptioncomboid = cocco.categoryoptioncomboid " + + "where ous.idlevel" + orgUnitLevel + " = o.organisationunitid " + "and ous.level = " + dal.getOrgUnitLevel() + " " + "and ( da.dataapprovalid is null " + ( acceptanceRequiredForApproval ? "or not da.accepted " : "" ) + ") )"; break; @@ -342,29 +342,27 @@ { approvedAboveSubquery = "exists(select 1 from dataapproval da " + "join dataapprovallevel dal on dal.dataapprovallevelid = da.dataapprovallevelid " + - "join _orgunitstructure ou on ou.organisationunitid = a.organisationunitid and ou.idlevel" + orgUnitLevelAbove + " = da.organisationunitid " + - "where da.periodid in (" + periodIds + ") and da.datasetid in (" + dataSetIds + ") and da.attributeoptioncomboid = a.categoryoptioncomboid) "; + "join _orgunitstructure ou on ou.organisationunitid = o.organisationunitid and ou.idlevel" + orgUnitLevelAbove + " = da.organisationunitid " + + "where da.periodid in (" + periodIds + ") and da.datasetid in (" + dataSetIds + ") and da.attributeoptioncomboid = cocco.categoryoptioncomboid) "; } final String sql = - "select a.categoryoptioncomboid, a.organisationunitid, " + + "select cocco.categoryoptioncomboid, o.organisationunitid, " + "(select min(coalesce(dal.level, 0)) from period p " + "left join dataapproval da on da.datasetid in (" + dataSetIds + ") and da.periodid = p.periodid " + - "and da.attributeoptioncomboid = a.categoryoptioncomboid and da.organisationunitid = a.organisationunitid " + + "and da.attributeoptioncomboid = cocco.categoryoptioncomboid and da.organisationunitid = o.organisationunitid " + "left join dataapprovallevel dal on dal.dataapprovallevelid = da.dataapprovallevelid " + "where p.periodid in (" + periodIds + ") " + ") as highest_approved_level, " + "(select substring(min(concat(100000 + coalesce(dal.level, 0), coalesce(da.accepted, FALSE))) from 7) from period p " + "left join dataapproval da on da.datasetid in (" + dataSetIds + ") and da.periodid = p.periodid " + - "and da.attributeoptioncomboid = a.categoryoptioncomboid and da.organisationunitid = a.organisationunitid " + + "and da.attributeoptioncomboid = cocco.categoryoptioncomboid and da.organisationunitid = o.organisationunitid " + "left join dataapprovallevel dal on dal.dataapprovallevelid = da.dataapprovallevelid " + "where p.periodid in (" + periodIds + ") " + ") as accepted_at_highest_level, " + readyBelowSubquery + " as ready_below, " + approvedAboveSubquery + " as approved_above " + - "from ( " + // subquery to get combinations of organisation unit and category option combo - "select distinct cocco.categoryoptioncomboid, ccoc.categorycomboid, coalesce(coo.organisationunitid, o.organisationunitid) as organisationunitid " + - "from categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions cocco " + + "from categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions cocco " + "join categorycombos_optioncombos ccoc on ccoc.categoryoptioncomboid = cocco.categoryoptioncomboid and ccoc.categorycomboid in (" + categoryComboIds + ") " + "join dataelementcategoryoption co on co.categoryoptionid = cocco.categoryoptionid " + "and (co.startdate is null or co.startdate <= '" + maxDate + "') and (co.enddate is null or co.enddate >= '" + minDate + "') " + @@ -372,14 +370,13 @@ "left join categoryoption_organisationunits coo on coo.categoryoptionid = co.categoryoptionid " + "left join _orgunitstructure ous on ous.idlevel" + orgUnitLevel + " = o.organisationunitid and ous.organisationunitid = coo.organisationunitid " + joinAncestors + - "left join dataelementcategoryoptionusergroupaccesses couga on couga.categoryoptionid = cocco.categoryoptionid " + - "left join usergroupaccess uga on uga.usergroupaccessid = couga.usergroupaccessid " + - "left join usergroupmembers ugm on ugm.usergroupid = uga.usergroupid " + - "where ( coo.categoryoptionid is null or ous.organisationunitid is not null " + testAncestors + ") " + - ( isSuperUser || user == null ? "" : "and ( ugm.userid = " + user.getId() + " or co.userid = " + user.getId() + " " + - "or co.publicaccess is null or left(co.publicaccess, 1) = 'r' ) " ) + - ( attributeOptionCombo == null ? "" : "and cocco.categoryoptioncomboid = " + attributeOptionCombo.getId() + " " ) + - ") as a"; + "where ( coo.categoryoptionid is null or ous.organisationunitid is not null " + testAncestors + ")" + + ( isSuperUser || user == null ? "" : + " and ( co.publicaccess is null or left(co.publicaccess, 1) = 'r' or co.userid = " + user.getId() + " or exists ( " + + "select 1 from dataelementcategoryoptionusergroupaccesses couga " + + "left join usergroupaccess uga on uga.usergroupaccessid = couga.usergroupaccessid " + + "left join usergroupmembers ugm on ugm.usergroupid = uga.usergroupid " + + "where couga.categoryoptionid = cocco.categoryoptionid and ugm.userid = " + user.getId() + ") )" ); log.debug( "Get approval SQL: " + sql );
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