revno: 16230
committer: Lars Helge Overland <larshe...@gmail.com>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Fri 2014-07-25 08:49:27 +0200
  Indicator expression builder, moved js to separate file


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=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/resources/struts.xml'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/resources/struts.xml	2014-07-16 15:41:33 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/resources/struts.xml	2014-07-25 06:49:27 +0000
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
     <action name="showAddIndicatorForm" class="org.hisp.dhis.dd.action.indicator.ShowAddIndicatorForm">
       <result name="success" type="velocity">/main.vm</result>
       <param name="page">/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/addIndicatorForm.vm</param>
-      <param name="javascripts">javascript/shortName.js,javascript/indicator.js</param>
+      <param name="javascripts">javascript/shortName.js,javascript/indicator.js,javascript/expressionBuilder.js</param>
       <param name="anyAuthorities">F_INDICATOR_PUBLIC_ADD, F_INDICATOR_PRIVATE_ADD</param>
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
     <action name="showUpdateIndicatorForm" class="org.hisp.dhis.dd.action.indicator.ShowUpdateIndicatorFormAction">
       <result name="success" type="velocity">/main.vm</result>
       <param name="page">/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/updateIndicatorForm.vm</param>
-      <param name="javascripts">javascript/shortName.js,javascript/indicator.js</param>
+      <param name="javascripts">javascript/shortName.js,javascript/indicator.js,javascript/expressionBuilder.js</param>
       <param name="anyAuthorities">F_INDICATOR_PUBLIC_ADD, F_INDICATOR_PRIVATE_ADD</param>

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/indicatorExpressionBuilderForm.vm'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/indicatorExpressionBuilderForm.vm	2014-01-31 18:08:43 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/indicatorExpressionBuilderForm.vm	2014-07-25 06:49:27 +0000
@@ -1,160 +1,25 @@
 <script type="text/javascript">
-	var i18n_no_constant_to_select = '$encoder.jsEscape( $i18n.getString( "no_constant_to_select" ) , "'")';
-	var i18n_no_dataelement_to_select = '$encoder.jsEscape( $i18n.getString( "no_dataelement_to_select" ) , "'")';
-	jQuery( document ).ready( function(){
-		validator = validation( 'indicator-expression-form', insertExpression );
-		dialog = jQuery("#indicator-expression-container").dialog({
-			modal: true,
-			autoOpen: false,
-			minWidth: 840,
-			minHeight: 560,
-			width: 840,
-			height: 560
-		});
-		getConstantsPage();
-		getOrgUnitGroupsPage();
-		getOperandsPage();
-	});	
-	var numerator = false;	
-	var validator = null;
-	var dialog = null;
-	function indicatorNumeratorForm()
-	{
-		numerator = true;
-		validator.resetForm();
-		var expression = getFieldValue( 'numerator' );
-		var description = getFieldValue( 'numeratorDescription' );
-		setFieldValue( 'indicator-expression-container textarea[id=expression]', expression );
-		setFieldValue( 'indicator-expression-container input[id=description]', description );
-		getExpressionText();
-		dialog.dialog("option", "title", "$i18n.getString( 'edit_numerator' )");
-		dialog.dialog("open");		
-	}
-	function indicatorDenominatorForm()
-	{
-		numerator = false;
-		validator.resetForm();
-		var expression = getFieldValue( 'denominator' );
-		var description = getFieldValue( 'denominatorDescription' );
-		setFieldValue( 'indicator-expression-container textarea[id=expression]', expression );
-		setFieldValue( 'indicator-expression-container input[id=description]', description );
-		getExpressionText();
-		dialog.dialog("option", "title", "$i18n.getString( 'edit_denominator' )");
-		dialog.dialog( "open");
-	}
-	function getConstantsPage()
-	{
-		var target = jQuery( "#indicator-expression-container select[id=constantId]" );
-		target.children().remove();
-		jQuery.get( '../api/constants.json?paging=false&links=false',
-			function( json ) {
-				jQuery.each( json.constants, function(i, item) {
-					target.append( '<option value="C{' + item.id + '}">' + item.name + '</option>' );
-				});
-			});
-	}
-	function getOrgUnitGroupsPage()
-	{
-        var target = jQuery( "#indicator-expression-container select[id=orgUnitGroupId]" );
-        target.children().remove();
-        jQuery.get( '../api/organisationUnitGroups.json?paging=false&links=false',
-            function( json ) {
-                jQuery.each( json.organisationUnitGroups, function(i, item) {
-                    target.append( '<option value="OUG{' + item.id + '}">' + item.name + '</option>' );
-                });
-            });
-	}
-	function getOperandsPage()
-	{	
-		var key = getFieldValue( "indicator-expression-container input[id=filter]");
-		dataDictionary.loadOperands( "#indicator-expression-container select[id=dataElementId]", {usePaging: true, key: key, includeTotals: true} );
-	}
-	function clearSearchText()
-	{
-		jQuery( "#indicator-expression-container input[id=filter]").val("");
-		getOperandsPage();
-	}	
-	function getExpressionText()
-	{
-		if ( hasText('expression') ){
-			jQuery.postJSON( '../dhis-web-commons-ajax-json/getExpressionText.action', {
-				expression: getFieldValue('expression')
-			}, function( json ){
-				if( json.response == 'success' || json.response == 'error' )
-				{
-					jQuery( "#formulaText").html( json.message );
-				}else{
-					jQuery( "#formulaText").html( '' );
-				}
-			});
-		} else{
-			jQuery( "#formulaText").html( '' );
-		}
-	}
-	function insertText( inputAreaName, inputText )
-	{
-		insertTextCommon( inputAreaName, inputText );
-		getExpressionText();
-	}
-	function cleanExpression()
-	{		
-		getExpressionText();
-	}
-	function closeExpressionBuilder()
-	{
-		dialog.dialog( "close" );
-	}
-	function insertExpression()
-	{
-		var expression = getFieldValue( 'indicator-expression-container textarea[id=expression]' );
-		var description = getFieldValue( 'indicator-expression-container input[id=description]' );
-		jQuery.postJSON( '../dhis-web-commons-ajax-json/getExpressionText.action',
-			{expression: expression},
-			function( json ) {
-				if( json.response == 'error') markInvalid( 'indicator-expression-container textarea[id=expression]', json.message );
-				else {
-					if( numerator ){
-						setFieldValue( 'numerator', expression );
-						setFieldValue( 'numeratorDescription', description );
-					}else{
-						setFieldValue( 'denominator', expression );
-						setFieldValue( 'denominatorDescription', description );
-					}
-					closeExpressionBuilder();
-				}
-			}
-		);
-	}
+var i18n_no_constant_to_select = '$encoder.jsEscape( $i18n.getString( "no_constant_to_select" ) , "'")';
+var i18n_no_dataelement_to_select = '$encoder.jsEscape( $i18n.getString( "no_dataelement_to_select" ) , "'")';
+var i18n_edit_numerator = '$encoder.jsEscape( $i18n.getString( "edit_numerator" ) , "'")';
+var i18n_edit_denominator = '$encoder.jsEscape( $i18n.getString( "edit_denominator" ) , "'")';
+jQuery( document ).ready( function(){
+	validator = validation( 'indicator-expression-form', insertExpression );
+	dialog = jQuery("#indicator-expression-container").dialog({
+		modal: true,
+		autoOpen: false,
+		minWidth: 840,
+		minHeight: 560,
+		width: 840,
+		height: 560
+	});
+	getConstantsPage();
+	getOrgUnitGroupsPage();
+	getOperandsPage();
 <div id="indicator-expression-container" class="page">

=== added file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/expressionBuilder.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/expressionBuilder.js	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/expressionBuilder.js	2014-07-25 06:49:27 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+var numerator = false;	
+var validator = null;
+var dialog = null;
+function indicatorNumeratorForm()
+	numerator = true;
+	validator.resetForm();
+	var expression = getFieldValue( 'numerator' );
+	var description = getFieldValue( 'numeratorDescription' );
+	setFieldValue( 'indicator-expression-container textarea[id=expression]', expression );
+	setFieldValue( 'indicator-expression-container input[id=description]', description );
+	getExpressionText();
+	dialog.dialog("option", "title", i18n_edit_numerator);
+	dialog.dialog("open");		
+function indicatorDenominatorForm()
+	numerator = false;
+	validator.resetForm();
+	var expression = getFieldValue( 'denominator' );
+	var description = getFieldValue( 'denominatorDescription' );
+	setFieldValue( 'indicator-expression-container textarea[id=expression]', expression );
+	setFieldValue( 'indicator-expression-container input[id=description]', description );
+	getExpressionText();
+	dialog.dialog("option", "title", i18n_edit_denominator);
+	dialog.dialog( "open");
+function getConstantsPage()
+	var target = jQuery( "#indicator-expression-container select[id=constantId]" );
+	target.children().remove();
+	jQuery.get( '../api/constants.json?paging=false&links=false',
+		function( json ) {
+			jQuery.each( json.constants, function(i, item) {
+				target.append( '<option value="C{' + item.id + '}">' + item.name + '</option>' );
+			});
+		});
+function getOrgUnitGroupsPage()
+    var target = jQuery( "#indicator-expression-container select[id=orgUnitGroupId]" );
+    target.children().remove();
+    jQuery.get( '../api/organisationUnitGroups.json?paging=false&links=false',
+        function( json ) {
+            jQuery.each( json.organisationUnitGroups, function(i, item) {
+                target.append( '<option value="OUG{' + item.id + '}">' + item.name + '</option>' );
+            });
+        });
+function getOperandsPage()
+	var key = getFieldValue( "indicator-expression-container input[id=filter]");
+	dataDictionary.loadOperands( "#indicator-expression-container select[id=dataElementId]", {usePaging: true, key: key, includeTotals: true} );
+function clearSearchText()
+	jQuery( "#indicator-expression-container input[id=filter]").val("");
+	getOperandsPage();
+function getExpressionText()
+	if ( hasText('expression') ){
+		jQuery.postJSON( '../dhis-web-commons-ajax-json/getExpressionText.action', {
+			expression: getFieldValue('expression')
+		}, function( json ) {
+			if( json.response == 'success' || json.response == 'error' )
+			{
+				jQuery( "#formulaText").html( json.message );
+			}
+			else {
+				jQuery( "#formulaText").html( '' );
+			}
+		});
+	} 
+	else {
+		jQuery( "#formulaText").html( '' );
+	}
+function insertText( inputAreaName, inputText )
+	insertTextCommon( inputAreaName, inputText );
+	getExpressionText();
+function cleanExpression()
+	getExpressionText();
+function closeExpressionBuilder()
+	dialog.dialog( "close" );
+function insertExpression()
+	var expression = getFieldValue( 'indicator-expression-container textarea[id=expression]' );
+	var description = getFieldValue( 'indicator-expression-container input[id=description]' );
+	jQuery.postJSON( '../dhis-web-commons-ajax-json/getExpressionText.action',
+		{expression: expression},
+		function( json ) {
+			if ( json.response == 'error') markInvalid( 'indicator-expression-container textarea[id=expression]', json.message );
+			else {
+				if ( numerator ){
+					setFieldValue( 'numerator', expression );
+					setFieldValue( 'numeratorDescription', description );
+				}
+				else{
+					setFieldValue( 'denominator', expression );
+					setFieldValue( 'denominatorDescription', description );
+				}
+				closeExpressionBuilder();
+			}
+		}
+	);
\ No newline at end of file

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