revno: 16206
committer: Lars Helge Overland <larshe...@gmail.com>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Mon 2014-07-21 16:01:10 +0200
  DataSetController, forms, centralized code, better feedback on wrong org unit 


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=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-api/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/webapi/controller/DataSetController.java'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-api/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/webapi/controller/DataSetController.java	2014-07-07 15:02:50 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-api/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/webapi/controller/DataSetController.java	2014-07-21 14:01:10 +0000
@@ -145,37 +145,6 @@
         JacksonUtils.toJson( response.getOutputStream(), versionMap );
-    @RequestMapping( value = "/{uid}/form", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json" )
-    public void getFormJson( @PathVariable( "uid" ) String uid, @RequestParam( value = "ou", required = false ) String orgUnit,
-        @RequestParam( value = "pe", required = false ) String period, HttpServletResponse response ) throws IOException
-    {
-        List<DataSet> dataSets = getEntity( uid );
-        if ( dataSets.isEmpty() )
-        {
-            ContextUtils.notFoundResponse( response, "Object not found for uid: " + uid );
-            return;
-        }
-        i18nService.internationalise( dataSets.get( 0 ) );
-        i18nService.internationalise( dataSets.get( 0 ).getDataElements() );
-        i18nService.internationalise( dataSets.get( 0 ).getSections() );
-        Form form = FormUtils.fromDataSet( dataSets.get( 0 ) );
-        if ( orgUnit != null && !orgUnit.isEmpty() && period != null && !period.isEmpty() )
-        {
-            OrganisationUnit ou = manager.get( OrganisationUnit.class, orgUnit );
-            Period p = PeriodType.getPeriodFromIsoString( period );
-            Collection<DataValue> dataValues = dataValueService.getDataValues( ou, p, dataSets.get( 0 ).getDataElements() );
-            FormUtils.fillWithDataValues( form, dataValues );
-        }
-        JacksonUtils.toJson( response.getOutputStream(), form );
-    }
     @RequestMapping( value = "/{uid}/dataValueSet", method = RequestMethod.GET )
     public @ResponseBody RootNode getDvs( @PathVariable( "uid" ) String uid,
         @RequestParam( value = "orgUnitIdScheme", defaultValue = "ID", required = false ) String orgUnitIdScheme,
@@ -197,9 +166,42 @@
         return dataValueSetService.getDataValueSetTemplate( dataSets.get( 0 ), pe, orgUnits, comment, orgUnitIdScheme, dataElementIdScheme );
+    @RequestMapping( value = "/{uid}/form", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json" )
+    public void getFormJson( 
+        @PathVariable( "uid" ) String uid, 
+        @RequestParam( value = "ou", required = false ) String orgUnit,
+        @RequestParam( value = "pe", required = false ) String period, 
+        HttpServletResponse response ) throws IOException
+    {
+        List<DataSet> dataSets = getEntity( uid );
+        if ( dataSets.isEmpty() )
+        {
+            ContextUtils.notFoundResponse( response, "Data set does not exist: " + uid );
+            return;
+        }
+        OrganisationUnit ou = null;
+        if ( orgUnit != null && ( ou = manager.get( OrganisationUnit.class, orgUnit ) ) == null )
+        {
+            ContextUtils.notFoundResponse( response, "Organisation unit does not exist: " + orgUnit );
+            return;
+        }
+        Period pe = PeriodType.getPeriodFromIsoString( period );
+        Form form = getForm( dataSets, ou, pe );
+        JacksonUtils.toJson( response.getOutputStream(), form );
+    }
     @RequestMapping( value = "/{uid}/form", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = { "application/xml", "text/xml" } )
-    public void getFormXml( @PathVariable( "uid" ) String uid, @RequestParam( value = "ou", required = false ) String orgUnit,
-        @RequestParam( value = "pe", required = false ) String period, HttpServletResponse response ) throws IOException
+    public void getFormXml( 
+        @PathVariable( "uid" ) String uid, 
+        @RequestParam( value = "ou", required = false ) String orgUnit,
+        @RequestParam( value = "pe", required = false ) String period, 
+        HttpServletResponse response ) throws IOException
         List<DataSet> dataSets = getEntity( uid );
@@ -209,25 +211,39 @@
+        OrganisationUnit ou = null;
+        if ( orgUnit != null && ( ou = manager.get( OrganisationUnit.class, orgUnit ) ) == null )
+        {
+            ContextUtils.notFoundResponse( response, "Organisation unit does not exist: " + orgUnit );
+            return;
+        }
+        Period pe = PeriodType.getPeriodFromIsoString( period );
+        Form form = getForm( dataSets, ou, pe );
+        JacksonUtils.toXml( response.getOutputStream(), form );
+    }
+    private Form getForm( List<DataSet> dataSets, OrganisationUnit ou, Period pe )
+    {
         i18nService.internationalise( dataSets.get( 0 ) );
         i18nService.internationalise( dataSets.get( 0 ).getDataElements() );
         i18nService.internationalise( dataSets.get( 0 ).getSections() );
         Form form = FormUtils.fromDataSet( dataSets.get( 0 ) );
-        if ( orgUnit != null && !orgUnit.isEmpty() && period != null && !period.isEmpty() )
+        if ( ou != null && pe != null )
-            OrganisationUnit ou = manager.get( OrganisationUnit.class, orgUnit );
             i18nService.internationalise( ou );
-            Period p = PeriodType.getPeriodFromIsoString( period );
-            Collection<DataValue> dataValues = dataValueService.getDataValues( ou, p, dataSets.get( 0 ).getDataElements() );
+            Collection<DataValue> dataValues = dataValueService.getDataValues( ou, pe, dataSets.get( 0 ).getDataElements() );
             FormUtils.fillWithDataValues( form, dataValues );
-        JacksonUtils.toXml( response.getOutputStream(), form );
+        return form;
     @RequestMapping( value = "/{uid}/customDataEntryForm", method = { RequestMethod.PUT, RequestMethod.POST }, consumes = "text/html" )

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