If dataset is fully support JavaScript or jquery, It can do design form dataset 
as you want.

Brajesh Murari <brajesh.mur...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>Yes Channara, presently required functionality is not available in Patient 
>Registration nor in DHIS core,
>where user can correlate one or more than one data elements with certain pre 
>defined events in data set.
>For example, if there are three data elements available in any data sets or 
>program stage instance, where
>selection of available option can execute certain event that change the state 
>of another data element
>or another data elements.  
>1. Gender
>    Option Set - Male, Female
>2. Was the death associated with pregnancy !
>   Option Set - Yes, No
>3. If Yes, was there a delivery !
>   Option Set - Yes, No
>In above use case, if "Gender" data element is selected with available option 
>set "Male" than this should 
>change the state of other data elements "Was the death associated with 
>pregnancy !" and "If Yes, was there a delivery !", both these data elements 
>should be disabled in default data entry form or default program stage 
>instance form. 
>Suggestions are appreciated on above use case scenario.
>Brajesh Murari 
>P please consider the environment before printing this email
>On Thursday, 27 March 2014 12:17 PM, "rin.chann...@gmail.com" 
><rin.chann...@gmail.com> wrote:
>If DHIS2 can do in dataset, it is powerful and flexible form.
>I also agree, should have....
>Brajesh Murari <brajesh.mur...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>A little correction in my previous query in trail email,
>On Thursday, 27 March 2014 11:58 AM, Brajesh Murari <brajesh.mur...@yahoo.com> 
>Hello Devs,
>I need a help to know little more about is there any functionality in DHIS 
>with the help of which user can 
>co-relate two or more but mutually exclusive different data elements ( 
>including option-set, or category-options-combos) ?
>For example, there are three data elements in "Cause of Death" data set that 
>associated with four data elements
>given below
>1. Gender
>    Option Set - Male, Female
>2. How did injury occurred !
>   Option Set - Alleged Accident, Alleged Suicide, Alleged Homicide
>3. Was the death associated with pregnancy !
>   Option Set - Yes, No
>4. If Yes, was there a delivery !
>   Option Set - Yes, No
>Use Case / Scenario : 
>While doing data entry in "Cause of Death" data set, for third data element  ( 
>ie. Was the death associated with pregnancy !) should be co-related with first 
>data element ( ie. Gender ) with certain predefined occurrence of events like 
>For example, 
>a. ) If option set "Male" selected for first data element ie. "Gender" than 
>third data element ie. "Was the death associated with pregnancy !" should be 
>disabled in data entry screen. Similarly, if option set "Female" selected for 
>first data element ie. "Gender" than third data element "Was the death 
>associated with pregnancy !" should be disabled in data entry screen.
>Little correction : --
>a. ) If option set "Male" selected for first data element ie. "Gender" than 
>third data element ie. "Was the death associated with pregnancy !" should be 
>disabled in data entry screen. Similarly, if option set "Female" selected for 
>first data element ie. "Gender" than third data element "Was the death 
>associated with pregnancy !" should be enabled in data entry screen.
>b.) If option set "No" selected for third data element ie. "Was the death 
>associated with pregnancy !"  than
>fourth data element ie. "If Yes, was there a delivery !" should be disabled in 
>data entry screen. Similarly, if option set "Yes" selected for third data 
>element ie. "Was the death associated with pregnancy !"  than fourth data 
>element "If Yes, was there a delivery !" should be enabled in data entry 
>Brajesh Murari
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