Note that the danger of using sql directly is not so much securing a cron
executed script (that can be done reasonably well), but more that it is
quite easy to mess up the metadata integrity.

On 1 October 2013 15:19, Bob Jolliffe <> wrote:

> Well by taking it out of the jvm we do remove some functionality .. mostly
> access to all the dhis2 beans and whatever is not immediately available
> through the api.
> But it is quite straightforward to run a standalone camel instance which
> talks to dhis2 via the api.
> Unfortunately there are always some times when you have to resort to the
> database :-(  If you only want to schedule some sql script to run then I
> agree with Jason that a cron job which pipes the script to psql (not
> pgadmin) can often suffice.
> If you find yourself (in addition to just scheduling), also doing more
> complex data transformations and the like then it can make sense to have an
> integration engine like camel - which also has a jdbc endpoint.  But again,
> if the only thing your camel context is doing is running the sql then it
> really doesn't need to be in the dhis.war.  Thats really why we have
> removed it.  You can do the same thing with camel (and/or other tools)
> without having it loaded in the virtual machine.
> On 1 October 2013 15:04, Jason Pickering <>wrote:
>> Nothing against Camel, but not sure what the issue with executing a task
>> on the database might be. Just wrap it up as a shell script and schedule it
>> with cron.
>> Maybe I am missing some security issue there, but we use this approach
>> extensively for this type of task.
>> Regards,
>> jason
>> On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Rodolfo Melia <>wrote:
>>> Hi - we were thinking about using Camel for automating certain jobs that
>>> we want to run every 24 hours (update some Data Elements based on some
>>> custom calculations that cannot be run as indicators). We ruled out pgAdmin
>>> because we feel is too insecure. Now that camel is out, how can we schedule
>>> task to run every day? Do you plan to have a scheduler for an app, so
>>> certain routines can run on the basis of a schedule?
>>> Rodolfo
>>> *Rodolfo Meliá*
>>> *Principal*
>>> +1 708 872 7636
>>> +44 777 576 4090
>>> Skype: rod.melia
>>> On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Bob Jolliffe <>wrote:
>>>> We have decided to remove the camel integration module from the dhis2
>>>> war file in the next release.
>>>> As the web api has matured it is now more feasible to run the likes of
>>>> apache camel or mule or similar software as external clients of the api.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Bob
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