Hi James

Thanks for the update.

Yes I think that creating an SQL view for pulling out event that is a nice
solution while waiting for the improved API. Note that you can query your
SQL view from the URL like documented here:


It is a little unclear to me what will appear on the rows in your app - ie.
what parameters you select before arriving at the tabular grid.



On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 6:22 AM, James Chang <jamesbch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, Lars.
> Thank you for the info.
> And, Yes, we do need to query the events data in our DHIS Apps requirement.
> Below are our DHIS Apps requirements:
> - Build data entry grid (in excel sheet like) for 'Single Event Wtihout
> Registration'.
> - List events ('Single Event Without Registration') on dropdown list for
> selection.
> - Upon event dropdown selection, generate event data entry table in excel
> speadsheet fashion.
> - On table generation:
>     --> The columns will be populated with data elements belonging to the
> event.
>     --> The rows will be populated for the existing event data.
>     --> The cells will be rendering Textbox, or Dropdown, or etc.
> depending on the data element value type.
>  - New event data entry row will exist in the bottom row.  If that row is
> filled, the data will be saved as event data in DHIS and the new row will
> appear at the bottom for new entry.
> I have tested the /api/events/--UID--.json and it is giving the data.
> So, what I can do for now is
> - Create sqlView to retrieve all the programStageInstance UID and add
> filter parameter to retrieve the data for the programStage we want
> - convert the .csv data into json, for easier access
> - for each programStageInstance UID, call /api/events to retrieve data.
> On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 7:06 PM, Lars Helge Øverland 
> <larshe...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi James,
>> we have some limited support for retrieving events in trunk (latest
>> development version). You can fetch events through their UIDs. Sorry but we
>> don't have any querying capabilities yet, although we are planning to
>> implement that too.
>> In trunk, when you create an event, you will now get both a "reference"
>> element and a "href" element which tell you the generated UID for the
>> events you just created. See example at the end.
>> You can then use this UID to retrieve the event with a GET request
>> api/events/<uid>.json
>> Documentation here:
>> http://www.dhis2.org/doc/snapshot/en/user/html/ch25s07.html
>> If you need to query the events please share with us your requirements so
>> we can take it into account when designing the feature.
>> regards,
>> Lars
>> ----
>> <importSummaries
>> xmlns="http://dhis2.org/schema/dxf/2.0";>
>>     <importSummaryList>
>>         <importSummary>
>>             <status>SUCCESS</status>
>>             <dataValueCount imported="2" updated="0" ignored="0" />
>>             <reference>eLvaci7Lb9j</reference>
>>             <href>http://apps.dhis2.org/dev/api/events/eLvaci7Lb9j</href>
>>         </importSummary>
>>         <importSummary>
>>             <status>SUCCESS</status>
>>             <dataValueCount imported="2" updated="0" ignored="0" />
>>             <reference>JCZ4WBXMddc</reference>
>>             <href>http://apps.dhis2.org/dev/api/events/JCZ4WBXMddc</href>
>>         </importSummary>
>>     </importSummaryList>
>>     </importSummaries>
>> On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 11:14 AM, James Chang <jamesbch...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Now that DHIS 2.12 has Web API that we can insert(submit) 'Single Event
>>> Without Registration' data, I am trying to build DHIS Apps for it.
>>> I am planning on creating a dynamic HTML table using jQuery for a
>>> selected ProgramStage (Single Event Without Registration).  The columns
>>> (data elements) will be populated depending on the ProgramStage selection.
>>> I found out that I can get the columns (Data Elements) by calling Web
>>> API.
>>> http://localhost:8080/api/programStages/CBbrPwnG1gG.json?viewClass=detailed?link=false
>>> However, do we have something in API or in Analytics that we can get the
>>> entered data in DHIS?  Preferably in JSON?
>>> This will be ProgramStageInstance data for 'Single Event Without
>>> Registration'.
>>> Thanks.
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