Dear Barnali,

The Automated Aggregation function is a tool for automatically scheduling
to run on regular intervals. At every midnight, this job runs and get all
datasets which have data elements defined into Aggregate Query Builder
formulas. The result is datavalues save in database.

Click Start button to enable the scheduled job to run at mid-night. It
means data value will be updated after every night. Or we can run
immediately by pressing Execute button.

Please try to open data entry form of the datasets to see the aggregate

On Monday, April 15, 2013, Barnali Bhaduri <> wrote:
> Dear Tran Chau,
>                           Thank you very much for all the help and all
the suggestion. Now I am understood the 'Aggregation query builder '
>                            After 'Save' the 'Aggregation query builder'
there is any automatic result  generation process.I was try with '
Automated Aggregation'
>                             but the result was not updating.In my project
every time aggregated result will be generated automatically.
> Barnali Banerjee
> ________________________________
> From: Rajib Sengupta <>
> To: Tanusree Bag <>; Barnali Bhaduri <>
> Sent: Monday, 15 April 2013 3:02 AM
> Subject: Fw: [Dhis2-devs] Fwd: Re: Requirement
> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: Tran Chau <>
> To: Lars Helge Øverland <>
> Cc: DHIS 2 developers <>
> Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 8:05 PM
> Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] Fwd: Re: Requirement
> Dear Barnali,
> @Suppose I have one data element Gender,I want to count Total Female and
show the result.,
> I assume that :
> 1. Patient data element which you want to define a formula
is Patient-Gender. This data element links to  an optionset with defined
values as Female, Male, Unknown.
> 2. The name of your program is P
> 3. The stage of program P which included patient data
value Patient-Gender is S
> 4. Aggregate data element which you want to put the aggregate result
after running this formula is Gender.
> 5. The name of data set which includes data element Gender is D.
> I. To define an aggregate query builder formula, please select menu
Maintenance > Persons and Programs > Aggregation Query Builder link on left
> .
> In Create new aggregation query builder form,
> Name - Provide name of query, this name is usually same with the name of
aggregate data element, such as Total Female.
> Dataset - Select dataset D
> Data element - Gender.
> Operator - In your case, select the option Number of persons
> Program - Select program P
> Program Stage - Select program stage S.
> Data element for sum/average/min/max - Ignore this field.
> In Data elements tab: Select data element Patient-Gender
> Click on button =
> In Condition section, type 'Female' after = sign
> Click Save button.
> II. To run this formula, please come to Services > Individual Records
> Manual Person Aggregation
> 1. Select data set D
> 2. Select the date range. The system will generate period list based on
date range and period type of data set D. E.g If data set D has period type
is monthly, you select 2013-03-11 --> 2013-04-11, you will have two periods
for running are March 2013 and April 2013.
> 3. Select orgunit where you want want to count Total Female.
> 4. Click Aggregate and Save button to calculate result and save it as a
data value of data element Gender. These data values are calculated by the
selected orgunit ( on step 3 ), periods created ( on step 2 ) and data
element Gender.
> ................
> Hope this can help you. Please contact me if you have any question.
> Best regards,
> ------------------------------------------------
> Châu Thu Trân
> HISP Viet Nam
> Email:
> On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 2:44 PM, Lars Helge Øverland <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Barnali Bhaduri" <

Best regards,
Châu Thu Trân
HISP Viet Nam
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