Dear All,
I have some questions. 
1. Why 2013 year is not showing  in the drop down list of period in the
data entry form?
2. I do not want to change period every  at time of data entry .How is it 
possible to
invoke automatically.
3. How to write aggregate query  builder condition.
4. How to show aggregate query builder result.
Please help me, I am in big problem.

Barnali Banerjee

 From: Barnali Bhaduri <>
To: Tran Chau <> 
Sent: Monday, 8 April 2013 3:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] Period frequency 

Dear Tran Chau ,
I have some questions.
1. Why 2013 year is not showing  in the drop down list of period in the
data entry form?
2. I do not want to change period every  at time of data entry .How is it 
possible to
invoke automatically.
3. How to write aggregate query  builder condition.
4. How to show aggregate query builder result.
Please help me, I am in big problem.

Barnali Banerjee

 From: Tran Chau <>
To: Barnali Bhaduri <> 
Sent: Monday, 25 February 2013 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] how to create resource table

Dear Bernali,

The resource tables is used into this module to load/search events faster. You 
can find quick user's guide by clinking question icon in Resource tables 

Runing resource tables before is a good idea. I will and it into the plan of 

Thank you very much for your idea.

On Monday, February 25, 2013, Barnali Bhaduri <> wrote:
> Dear Tran Chau,
>                                        Thank you very much for the step,can 
> you explain me why previously resource tables are not generated.
> Barnali 
> ________________________________
> From: Tran Chau <>
> To: Barnali Bhaduri <>
> Sent: Monday, 25 February 2013 7:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] how to create resource table
> Dear Barnali,
> Please click on the Add new button. Then enter a report-date in the date 
> field and entry form of Blood bank information system program will displayed 
> below. You can enter data values into fields in entry form. And then click 
> Complete button to finish the case.
> Finally, click on Back to event list link to back main page on the left menu. 
> Please do like this and talk to me if no any event is displayed in list on 
> main page.
> Best regards,
> ------------------------------------------------
> Châu Thu Trân                               
> HISP Viet Nam
> Email:
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 8:06 PM, Barnali Bhaduri <> 
> wrote:
> Thank  you very much Tran Chau,now resource table problem solved,I have 
> entered some data but no results are display system display same as attached 
> file.
> Barnali Banerjee
> ________________________________
> From: Tran Chau <>
> To: Barnali Bhaduri <>
> Sent: Monday, 25 February 2013 6:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] how to create resource table
> Dear Barnali,
> You did run the resource tables by accessing Maintenance > Data 
> Administration > Resource table before ?
> If you did run and the message still occurs, Please send to me the log file. 
> I can find out the bug by the file. And Please talk to me which version 
> you're using.
> Thank you very much.
> On Monday, February 25, 2013, Barnali Bhaduri <> wrote:
>> Dear Tran Chau,
>>                                     I have follow the same procedure ,but 
>> when I run single event without registration system display the message 
>> "Failed to get events. Please generate resource tables before."
>> Barnali 
>> Dear Barnali,
>> To create resource table, Please come to
>> Maintenance > Data Administration > Resource table.
>> To run single event without registration, you need to run this before. If 
>> you have any problem for this function, Please contact to me.
>> On Monday, February 25, 2013, Knut Staring <> wrote:
>>> Den 25. feb. 2013 11:33 skrev "Barnali Banerjee" <> 
>>> følgende:
>>>> I want to entered the data individual level using Single event without
>>>> registration,but every time I face problem ,"create resource table" even
>>>> ,previously I am created.
>>>> --
>>>> This message was sent from Launchpad by
>>>> Barnali Banerjee (
>>>> using the "Contact this team's admins" link on the DHIS 2 developers team
>>>> page (
>>>> For more information see
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> ---------------

Best regards,
Châu Thu Trân                                
HISP Viet Nam
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