Including type ...

On 16 July 2012 14:21, Bob Jolliffe <> wrote:
> On 16 July 2012 13:46, Saptarshi Purkayastha <> wrote:
>> Hi Bob,
>> This is very interesting.
>> Much closer to xforms where the form is sent without the dataValues and can
>> be filled with values and sent back.
>> Some comments:
>> 1.) I wonder though why you are sending all the dataElements in the xml?? Is
>> that required or we should be able to generate only those required on a
>> dataSet or section of a form?
> Yes I thought about this.  If you want all the datavaluest templates
> (like I have done here) then it it makes sense to get the full list of
> dataelements .. some datelements might even get reused across forms.
> If you just want the specification for a single datavalueset template
> then you really do just need the list of dataelements for that
> datavalueset.  Notice that you do already have that list of required
> dataelements in the dataset xml - unfortunately this list format (it
> is generic for all identifiable objects)  doesn't contain the
> categorycombo so a bit of duplication is required.
>> 2.) There should be a dataType field for the elements or are u suggesting
>> "chatty" conversation to get the types??
> There should.  I was assuming "numeric" but I guess that is not fair.
>> Other than that I wonder if the client has to deal with the transform. Or
>> was this just an example to generate it and will be done on the server-side.
>> I would suggest that the client should be able to set Accept headers and get
>> the template in formats that you mentioned in your email...
> I agree that the client's life could be made easier if such a
> transform was done on the server side.  I just put this out as a
> feeler to see if people who are building dxf2 clients might find it
> useful.   Of course its not a big problem to do on the client side and
> has the advantage of not needing to build consensus around what a
> "standard" representation should be.  But such a representation
> available from the server could make building clients even easier.
> Where would you map it?  If you want to get all the reports like I
> have done then something like "application/reportTemplate+xml" on
> metadata url might do,  The idea being that a client could read in the
> list which templates it wanted to configure/save.
> Slightly more chatty but maybe also sensible (but I think maybe more
> complicated to implement), would be to use
> "application/reportTemplate+xml" on the dataset url (with the
> restricted list of dataelements).
> I am looking at this in the context of an openmrs client module.  I'd
> be happy to do the transform on the client side for now to iron out
> any ruffles.
> Bob
>> ---
>> Regards,
>> Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA
>> My Tech Blog:
>> You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE
>> On 16 July 2012 12:57, Bob Jolliffe <> wrote:
>>> Sharing some thoughts about using the web-api for facility reporting ....
>>> Setting up a client to produce datavalueset reports using the web api
>>> gets a bit complicated when you are using categorycombos.  The problem
>>> is that you can retrieve the metadata for a dataset, but that just
>>> gives you the list of dataelements to report - but finding out which
>>> categoryoptioncombos are required for each dataelement involves quite
>>> a bit more querying of the api.
>>> Creating an sdmx style data structure definition is difficult because
>>> of the "raggedness" of our datasets (they are not neat datacubes with
>>> uniform dimensionality).  So another way to approach this is to
>>> acquire report templates for each datavalueset - ie. retrieve the
>>> template from dhis and the client is then only required to configure
>>> itself to provide the values for each row in the template.
>>> The web api doesn't provide these directly, but they are easy enough
>>> to generate off the metadata.  At a minimum you require the datasets,
>>> the dataelements and the categoryoptioncombos.  If the client is a
>>> facility based system (like openmrs) then its really not necessary to
>>> get the list of 1000's of orgunits.
>>> Using the attached xsl and the url below is my first stab at this:
>>> curl -v -X GET -u admin:district
>>> "";
>>> | xsltproc dxf2template.xslt - |xmllint --format -
>>> The resulting output (also attached) is I think the minimum
>>> information required to fully configure a datavalueset producer based
>>> on a template, using dxf2, sdmx, csv, xforms  or what have you.  I am
>>> assuming that a facility already 'knows' its facility identifier or
>>> code.
>>> Bob
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