Here is my suggestion, based on all the mails above, so that we can
develop all of this into a blueprint/specification.

1) Categories and category options should be left essentially as is.
2) Data element groups sets should allow data elements to be assigned
to multiple data element groups. Data elements (both multi-dimensional
and non-multidimensional) should be able to be assigned a particular
(only one)  data element groups.
3) A data element group set  would be something like "Age", "Sex",
"Disease transmission method". Each data element group set would would
contain multiple data element groups, such as "Under 1, Under 5, Over
5", "Male, Female", "Vector borne, water borne".
4) Data element groups sets should be exclusive. Data element groups
can only belong to one data element group set.
3) Multidimensional elements will automatically be imparted an
intrinsic level of dimensionality via the Categories, ipso facto.
Category options would essentially be transformed to a data element
group at the stage of analysis.
4) Non-multidimensional elements should be able to be assigned a
particular member of a CateogryOption,  post facto, so that
multi-dimensional and non-multidimensional elements would be able to
coexist peacefully.
5) A particular measure's full dimensionality would result from the
combination of  prime dimensions:
   a) OrgUnitGroupSets (already implemeneted). Each OrgUnitGroupSet
would impart a column in a cross-tab query for each OrgUnitGroupSet,
providing classification by Type, Urban Rural, Ownership as examples.
   b) Period. There is no currently (as far as I know)
PeriodGroupSets, but usually, grouping can take place through the data
type itself, so that values can be grouped into quaters, bi-monthly
groups, etc. Period would impart a two columns in a cross-tab query
(StartDate and EndDate).
   c) The resulting number of dimensions resulting from the data
elements assignment of the data element to "Categories" and
"DataElementGroupSets".Each Category and each DateElementGroup
assigned to the data element would impart a single column in a
crosstab query.
d) Other dimensions that are already implemeneted, such as Dataset.

Do these points capture the  requirements, based on everything we have
discussed in this monster thread?

 Plese feel free to comment, especially the developers. Lars has been
quiet and said it is possible, so I suppose he is just coding already.

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