Until we have a more elegant solution such as Jon's info bar suggestion,
we could do something similar for libraries by using an option in the
library table entry.
On 5/4/24 10:30 AM, 'Seth Hillbrand' via KiCad Developers wrote:
For importing boards, we could
1) Add a checkbox at the bottom of the import non-KiCad dialog that says
"Show import errors"
2) Move the error reporter to a docked AUI window so that it doesn't
interrupt the workflow
KiCad Services Corporation Logo
Seth Hillbrand
*Lead Developer*
Long Beach, CA
www.kipro-pcb.com <https://www.kipro-pcb.com/> i...@kipro-pcb.com
On Sat, May 4, 2024 at 7:24 AM Jon Evans <j...@craftyjon.com
<mailto:j...@craftyjon.com>> wrote:
Following up, I think it's important to understand the places the
importer is used for my team (and probably others who use a mix of
The importers are rarely used as a "one shot" tool to convert a
design permanently from a different CAD tool to KiCad. Instead, we
use the importers persistently. For example, we directly add
non-KiCad libraries to the table (which triggers parsing them in
many different places, as Seth mentioned). But, we also use KiCad as
a viewer for non-KiCad board and schematic files. We open these
files over and over again, and having that open process blocked by a
dialog is a real interruption.
I would expect dialogs to only appear when a serious error has
happened that is not recoverable. Information that KiCad does not
support a certain feature from an external file is not even an
error, let alone a serious one.
On Sat, May 4, 2024, 10:20 Jon Evans <j...@craftyjon.com
<mailto:j...@craftyjon.com>> wrote:
I agree that the information should be exposed somewhere. But I
think interrupting the load process with a dialog is a nag. It
gets in the way of using KiCad as an efficient way to view files
designed in other programs.
On Sat, May 4, 2024, 09:52 Jeff Young <j...@rokeby.ie
<mailto:j...@rokeby.ie>> wrote:
I don’t agree. A nag dialog would be something that told
you we don’t have an editing feature that Altium supports,
not that we can’t express the same end result as we found in
the Altium file.
There are certainly border-line cases. Complaining about
not being able to import a datum dimension is a bit closer
to an editing feature. But if it’s something like
pad-stacks, then I’m going to have to make changes somewhere
to get the design right. So I’d rather know about those.
> On 4 May 2024, at 14:29, Jon Evans <j...@craftyjon.com
<mailto:j...@craftyjon.com>> wrote:
>> The only place we disagree is what to do in the meantime
for schematics and boards.
> Using wxLog to pop up dialogs reporting that KiCad does
not support
> some feature of some other EDA tool is inappropriate in
my opinion.
> It goes against the KiCad guideline of not showing nag
dialogs. I
> don't think boards/schematics are any different from
libraries in this
> regard.
> On Sat, May 4, 2024 at 9:24 AM Jeff Young <j...@rokeby.ie
<mailto:j...@rokeby.ie>> wrote:
>> We do report context info (at least line number and
offset) in some of the other importers.
>> I agree that the system could be improved.
>> And I agree that we have to do something about the
library importing.
>> The only place we disagree is what to do in the meantime
for schematics and boards.
>> Cheers,
>> Jeff.
>>> On 4 May 2024, at 13:04, Jon Evans <j...@craftyjon.com
<mailto:j...@craftyjon.com>> wrote:
>>> Jeff,
>>> In both cases I disagree that the current warning
system should
>>> appear. The warning system we have today is really not
that helpful,
>>> and I don't want to bring it back the same way for
boards or for
>>> libraries.
>>> The advanced_config option was something Seth and I
discussed as a
>>> simple stopgap for V8 if we are looking at something
better for V9.
>>> A more helpful warning system:
>>> - Would not use pop-up dialogs that block the UI to let
people know
>>> that any warnings exist (instead would show up in the
info bar, the
>>> same way our previous-format-version warning does)
>>> - Would have a more rich system of logging, so that
people always get
>>> context about what part of their file had an issue
>>> I think if we want to show this info, we need a new
kind of REPORTER
>>> that can capture context rather than just a string, and
a "post-import
>>> report" dialog launched from the infobar.
>>> The library loader can keep track of these on a
per-library basis so
>>> that the infobar can be shown in the symbol/footprint
editor after
>>> launch.
>>> -Jon
>>> On Sat, May 4, 2024 at 4:53 AM Jeff Young
<j...@rokeby.ie <mailto:j...@rokeby.ie>> wrote:
>>>> Presumably we can tell the difference (in the code)
between a schematic or layout import and a library import?
>>>> It would seem to me like a schematic or layout import
should show the warnings (even without an advanced setting
or the like).
>>>> Personally I also think the library importer should
show the warnings the very first time. Maybe we could do
that by setting a plugin option (m_warningsShown or
something) after reading the library? I think those are
saved per-row in the lib table, but I’m not 100% sure.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Jeff.
>>>> On 4 May 2024, at 09:47, 'Stefan Weber' via KiCad
Developers <devlist@kicad.org <mailto:devlist@kicad.org>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I recently started a discussion with @Jon Evans in my
MR https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad/-/merge_requests/1935
regarding the visibility of Altium importer warning & errors
for not yet supported schematic and layout features.
>>>> Since commit
the Kicad Altium Importer does no longer shows warning & errors for not yet
supported schematic and layout features in release builds.
>>>> As Jon mentioned this was implemented to get rid of
those annoying warnings which pop-up every time you use an
Altium library which contains a not yet supported schematic
and layout features. This I absolutely understand.
>>>> I also do not expect that importing data from other
EDA tools will be 100% accurate. But as the importer already
knows it's limits I personally would like to have the
possibility to get those warnings and errors back when I am
importing an Altium schematic or layout.
>>>> Jon mentioned:
>>>> "I would be fine with adding some new way to show
these optionally, in a less obtrusive way."
>>>> "We try to avoid settings wherever possible. It is
best to come up with a solution that can be enabled for
everyone, meaning that people who want the information can
get it in a way that does not slow down people who don't
want the information.
>>>> One option would be to create a "post-import report"
that can optionally be launched from an infobar
notification, for example."
>>>> "One pretty simple option would be an advanced_config
flag that changes the behavior of the WXLOG_REPORTER to use
logging calls that are present in release builds"
>>>> I am curious what's the opinion of others.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Stefan
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