Hi Mariusz,

On 5/2/24 1:50 PM, Mariusz Plucinski wrote:

Am 01.05.24 um 20:50 schrieb Wayne Stambaugh:
Hello Mariusz,

On 5/1/24 9:42 AM, Mariusz Plucinski wrote:
Hi all,

I'm new here, and to KiCad in general. Trying to come up with a workflow that'd suit me best, I encountered some limitations. So here I am, looking for advices on how to lift them, and how to convert my ideas into contributions suitable for the mainline :)

Thank you for interest in contributing to KiCad.  Unfortunately, it sounds like you broke one of the cardinal rules of contributing to an open source project.  You wrote code before checking with the development team to see if someone is already working on this.  In your case they are.

Shared schematics are going away in version 9 of KiCad and will be replaced with reusable schematics (part of a larger design blocks feature set) that get copied into the new project without out making any changes to the original schematic.

We already have developers planning to work on this.  I haven't looked at your code but I suspect most if it will clash with the changes above.

Huh, that's interesting. Any place I can read more about the planned feature of reusable schematics? I'm wondering whether they'll fit my preferred workflow better.

There is not a design document for preventing shared schematics. That one is in my head. There is one for schematic design blocks. If you would like I can send you a link to it for you to view. We don't make design docs publicly available to cut down on the noise so you can either provide an email address or send me an email directly. My email address is easy to find in the KiCad source code.

Perhaps I should've asked, but I was curious what's wrong, and it was just some short tinkering - so I don't care... at least I got familiar with the source code.

I was under the impression that you were considering contributing you code to the KiCad project. I wanted to make sure you understood that this particular feature already has owners that are actively working on them. I apologize for any confusion. The KiCad project encourages you to tinker to your heart's delight. It is the best way to learn the KiCad code base.

Using absolute paths should solve this issue.

Yes, but it'd introduce others, like inability to open the projects on another machine. Which I do quite often (I sync the complete tree, but absolute paths differ).

Unfortunately, I don't see an easy way around this. Child sheets do not have any concept of a parent sheet when edited outside projects they are used. We might be able to walk up and down the schematic file paths to find simulation models with relative paths rather than assume the correct path is the current project path. There are several other options such as embedding them in the schematic or creating library table access. This needs some thought and careful planning.

My guess is your code wont be useful since we are going in a significantly different direction by eliminating sharing sheets between projects.  I hope this doesn't discourage you from working on KiCad. You just need to check with the dev team on the mailing list to make sure your not working on something that someone else is already working on.

Sure, I'm stopping my efforts for now then. I actually had some more ideas for hierarchical sheets, but since you're dropping them soon, there's probably no point in exploring that. I'll focus on other pain points, but that's for another thread.

We are not dropping hierarchical sheets. We are preventing schematic files from being directly shared by multiple projects. These are very different concepts even though they are closely related.

Kind Regards,




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