
I am new to the project and interested in contributing on Issue #2446 DXF 
export should export dimension items as DXF dimensions (lp:#1832717) 

The 7.0.0 release does not plot KiCad dimension items at all with the 
option "Plot graphic items using their contours" selected. With the option 
de-selected, then KiCad dimension items are plotted using LINE entities, as 
stated in the issue.

Looking at what would be required to implement the DXF standard's DIMENSION 
entity, the minimum change would involve changes to DXF_PLOTTER::StartPlot() 
DIMENSION entities require a BLOCKS section to be defined.) in addition to 
whatever changes will be needed to the rest of the DXF plotting code. 

Because KiCad allows a number of customizations to the appearance of KiCad 
dimension items, the "minimal change" would likely not result in 
efficiently reproducing the dimension items exactly as they appear in KiCad 
in the DXF plot output. 

I see that QCAD's dxflib is already included in thirdparty, I assume this 
is used for DXF import? Rather than reinventing the wheel for plotting 
DIMENSION entities, what if dxflib was used for DXF plotting also?

I assume there is a good reason for the DXF plotter being the way it is 
now. Is there a specific design intent that prevents using dxflib to plot? 
In general, could I get some advice on what kind of approach to take, what 
kind of contribution would be most helpful?


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