Hi All!

I compiled the 7.0 branch (commit f1f69c607efdc6d74ebda82b7523e05ee0df7e93) and I'm experimenting all sort of problems.

One seems to be from the following commit:


All the power elements in my tests are generating errors about loading the 3D model, from the code:


    if( aReporter )
        if( aFields.size() > REFERENCE_FIELD )
            aReporter->Report( wxString::Format( _( "Error reading simulation model from symbol '%s':\n%s" ),
                                                 _( "Failed to read simulation model from fields." ) ),
                               RPT_SEVERITY_ERROR );


And I don't understand what's the problem. I took a look at the symbols I have installed and they are the same as the ones in GitLab.

I tried adding a field "Spice_Primitive", and it got even worst ...

What's the problem?


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