Original Post is here 

I’m working on drawing a SoC board with KiCAD, but I find KiCAD does not 1 
support dragging a differential pair 
<https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad/-/issues/2005>, so I cloned KiCAD 
source code to see if I can add it.

I found the dev docs 
<https://dev-docs.kicad.org/en/components/tool-framework/> and video 
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyanqxyOCBw>, but the dev docs are too 
simple and not a source code walk through, and the content of video was a 
bit older (5.x) than latest (7.0) source code

So I have to read through source code directly.

IMO, I can learn from drag tool and tune diff pair tool.

I think I can add a DRAG_MODE in pns_router.h
add static TOOL_ACTION routerDragDiffPair; in pcb_actions.h

I think I can copy most part of length_tuner_tool, but need to change some 
in pns_router.cpp

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