On Sun, Mar 19, 2023 at 1:11 PM Nimish Telang <ntel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> The current Kicad build cmake code is a man-made horror beyond my
> comprehension. It's clearly been accreted over the years without a lot of
> understanding of what cmake can do. Admittedly cmake itself is the cause of
> most of the horror, but we can do better.


Mark was trying to politely point you to the fact that this is the wrong
way to introduce yourself to a project.  While we recognize that our
contributions to KiCad are not without error, crassly denigrating the work
contributed by hundreds of dedicated volunteers is rude and wrong.

If you would like to contribute to KiCad's development, we would welcome
your efforts.  However, this requires approaching with the understanding
that every line of code in KiCad was added for a reason.  And certainly not
because the previous contributors, whose shoulders you wish to stand upon
were not as clever or insightful as yourself.

You should start very small.  Ask questions.  Learn why things exist before
you decide that they don't need to anymore.

Hopefully you will take this to heart an rethink your approach.  We strive
very hard to be a welcoming place to code.  You might look over
https://dev-docs.kicad.org/en/rules-guidelines/culture/ for details about
this.  In particular, please note that we do not engage in rude feedback
(e.g. "man-made horror", "without a lot of understanding...", etc).  If you
would like to engage in this way, there are probably better projects to do


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