Ok, thanks for the information.

Em quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2023 às 05:02:39 UTC-3, 
se...@kipro-pcb.com escreveu:

> We (the KiCad project) do not provide MacOS builds for older MacOS 
> systems.  Usually we will maintain compatibility for the current and 
> previous MacOS versions.  Sometimes, this may extend to the previous two 
> MacOS versions but maintaining support for older MacOS is extremely 
> difficult and would be a bad investment of limited developer time.  
> That said, we provide build instructions on our website 
> https://dev-docs.kicad.org/en/build/macos/ for users that require 
> specialized versions.  These instructions may or may not work properly for 
> older MacOS versions as they are only tested for current versions.  
> Professional support services 
> https://www.kicad.org/help/professional-support/ do provide the option 
> for specialized builds and may be cost effective for you if you depend on 
> newer KiCad with older hardware for your business.
> Seth  
> [image: KiCad Services Corporation Logo]
> Seth Hillbrand 
> *Lead Developer* 
> +1-530-302-5483 <(530)%20302-5483>‬ 
> Long Beach, CA 
> www.kipro-pcb.com    in...@kipro-pcb.com
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 4:11 AM 'Marco Aurélio Carvalho' via KiCad 
> Developers <dev...@kicad.org> wrote:
>> Complementing: 
>> using KiCAD 6 on Catalina and antialiasing settings to NO or HIGH Quality 
>> makes KiCAD perfect. No delay or slowness during resizing of windows or 
>> drawings SCH or PCB. Fast operation for designing SCH or PCB. Adjusting 
>> antialiasing for level FAST causes delays redrawing the windows but not 
>> resizing the drawings. So this level I do not use.
>> Running GLView I noticed that OpenGL level maximum at 120fps is 3.3, 
>> provided by Intel for HD3000 graphics board.
>> But running in Ventura (installed using open core) using KiCAD 6 or 7 
>> causes delays for both windows or drawings resizing.
>> Running GLView in this case I noticed that the OpenGL driver is provided 
>> by Apple and testing rendering the speed is much slower.
>> I will install Big Sur with open core to see what happens but probably it 
>> will run slow too.
>> The solution , if possible, is to compile version 7 to run on Catalina as 
>> a minimum OS. In this case I may run with OpenGL drivers provided by Intel 
>> for the HD3000 board, instead of the Apple new drivers provided for more 
>> modern graphic boards. Is it possible to compile for Catalina then? 
>> Em quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2023 às 23:04:37 UTC-3, Marco Aurélio 
>> Carvalho escreveu:
>>> Mark, thanks for your answer.
>>> Is it possible to compile KiCAD allowing version 7 to use Catalina 
>>> instead of BigSur as the minimum OS?
>>> Version 6 I can run in Catalina and works. 
>>> I just finished testing KiCAD version 7 under Windows 10 (under Virtual 
>>> Box 6.142). It works without using OpenGL and for a small project it works 
>>> with some slowness. Virtual Box has a proprietary video driver that seems 
>>> to not use OpenGL, although the MACmini videocard is an Intel HD3000 which 
>>> is capable to use  OpenGL3.1 (as I saw in a Microsoft forum).
>>> Another possibility for me would to install a Linux or Windows in the 
>>> Macmini to test if they can run natively using the HD3000 Video card 
>>> directly. This would not run under MAC OS and Virtual Box and will take 
>>> some days to learn how to do it and install.
>>> Em quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2023 às 21:50:52 UTC-3, 
>>> mark....@gmail.com escreveu:
>>>> We aren't using Metal at all, for now.
>>>> >KiCAD is not a SW that demands high CPU power
>>>> Computational geometry is actually quite demanding of CPU power as 
>>>> board complexity increases, so your statement is completely false.
>>>> However for simple designs yes, it isn't a real needed.
>>>> Most of your slow issues such as resizing windows is not a KiCad 
>>>> problem. We don't do anything special, in fact it's most likely your old 
>>>> hardware not playing nice with newer macos. 
>>>> On Wed, Feb 8, 2023 at 7:32 PM 'Marco Aurélio Carvalho' via KiCad 
>>>> Developers <dev...@kicad.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hi folks,
>>>>> I would like to ask developers of KiCAD to keep compatibility of KiCAD 
>>>>> 7 with older MAC machines that do not have GPU METAL compatibility.  
>>>>> Maybe 
>>>>> selecting properly options to not use the new METAL resource.
>>>>> In my case I have a MACMINI Server mid 2011 with SSD and 16GB of RAM. 
>>>>> The machine is still capable of running actual SW, even running Catalina, 
>>>>> Big SUR, Monterey and Ventura versions of MAC OS (with open core legacy 
>>>>> patcher). But cannot use the GPU if the METAL interface is used. So 
>>>>> graphic 
>>>>> design is done by SW and very very slow.
>>>>> KiCAD is not a SW that demands high CPU power. But since version 6 
>>>>> (and now 7 requiring Big SUR) is not possible to use comfortably the SW. 
>>>>> Version 6 with Catalina is slow to resize windows but still usable. But 
>>>>> version 7 (with Ventura and open core) is to slow to do everything. I am 
>>>>> going to test version 7 under Windows running on Virtual Box to see if it 
>>>>> is usable. But in that scenario there are many resources to run windows. 
>>>>> Since there is a native MAC OS version it is a waste to use it under a 
>>>>> virtual machine and windows.
>>>>> There must be a lot of MAC users that do not have modern machines but 
>>>>> still have old ones that are used for most of tasks.
>>>>> Thanks 
>>>>> Marco Aurelio
>>>>> -- 
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>>>>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>>>> https://groups.google.com/a/kicad.org/d/msgid/devlist/1229fc00-5baf-47d9-8f63-6007962e320cn%40kicad.org
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>>>>> .
>>>> -- 
>>>> Mark
>>> -- 
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