Hi all,

I'm just doing a bit of a deep-dive in to all ERC violation code to ensure 
there aren't any other hidden gotches with the changes I made to allow more 
fine-grained reporting on errors across hierarchical sheets. In doing this, 
I'm finding a number of other small issues (such as incorrect marker 
location calculations, etc etc). I'm putting together a series of commits 
to address these.

At the moment (and not as a result of the new code), there is slightly odd 
behaviour with some classes of errors in reused schematics in a 
hierarchical schematic. If I have a sub-sheet with, for example, an 
unresolved field variable ERC exception, a marker is added to the 
SCH_SCREEN for every SCH_SHEET in which it is used. The current code to 
catch this and only display one ERC violation doesn't work as it tests per 
parent SCH_SCREEN, not per SCH_SHEET.

Before I fix this, I just wanted to check the desired behaviour here. My 
view is that in this case, there should only be one ERC violation raised, 
rather than one per SCH_SHEET. I think this should actually be enforced at 
the ERC violation creation point - i.e. we only ever add one marker to the 
SCH_SCREEN, rather than 'patching up' the results in the marker visitation 

Does this sound sensible? It's not a major change, but good to get 
concensus before I go ahead with it.


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